By Global Immunization Newsletter on Monday, 02 October 2023
Category: Partner News

A pivotal moment in the Eliminate Yellow fever Epidemics Strategy

At the outset of the EYE Strategy in 2017, EYE's key partners - WHO, UNICEF and Gavi - committed to a mid-term evaluation in 2022. 

An independent mid-term evaluation (managed by the WHO Evaluation Office) was undertaken to assess EYE’s progress, since its launch in 2017, and to provide recommendations for the way forward. The aim of the mid-term evaluation was to learn from the findings of the first half of the Strategy, and to ensure accountability for implementing the recommendations in its second half, thus ensuring EYE’s goal of protecting almost 1 billion people from yellow fever (YF) by 2026 is achieved. To read the two-page report summary and the full report, use the links below.

Click here for the report summary.

Click here for the full report.


Author: Rakhee Verma EYE Strategy  
Photo caption: Loveth, 26, loads a vaccination kit onto a motorbike before leaving the health center to set up in the community in Owa-Alero. Vaccination campaign in Delta State, Nigeria, 2020
Photo credits: WHO / NOOR / Benedicte Kurzen 

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