Wednesday, 21 September 2016
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Hello everyone!

This is my very first post here. I am a 3rd year Student of Medicine(M.B.B.S) studying at KVG Medical College & Hospital, Sullia, India.

Attched is a PDF file which is the original document...Please go through that as it has pictures. Whatever text that follows this is a copy from the PDF file.

Thanks for your time and have a great day!


I feel elated to have been given an awe-inspiring opportunity to be a part of a vaccination outreach programme for which I shall be ever grateful to our PSM professor Dr.V.Narayana Holla, M.D who leaves no stone unturned in inspiring us and walks that extra mile to encourage us to evolve into better doctors. If not for him, none of this would have been possible.

It all started on the morning of 7th September during our PSM department posting hours, when Dr.Holla told us about the vaccination programme and emphasised on the importance of practical knowledge in the field of medicine. Motivated by his thought-provoking words, I was filled with enthusiasm to be a part of this trip. Upon approaching him, he was more than happy to see us eagerly coming forward for it and thus began the preparation for our amazing trip.

Thrilled by this exhilarating opportunity, I brushed up on the NIS and read up on the methods of administering the different kinds of vaccines and all the necessary details and equipped myself with the much needed knowledge on vaccinating a child as per the NIS.

The next morning, I was all geared up to go, my eyes gleamed with anticipation and I was excited to experience something new. Little did Iknow what was in store for me. On an honest note, a part of me died a little seeing the vehicle in which I was to travel. But nothing could waver my excitement, not even the thought of an edgy journey. I remained undeterred by the rugged roads, still charged. And my agony paid off when I reached my destination after a long tiresome travel.

The first place I went to was an Anganwadi Centre (in Koojimale estate) that filled me with awe, looking at the cheerful kids of 2-5 years of age. The Anganwadi Centre was located amidst the green, lush hilly area of Koojimale. Also present there were mothers waiting to get their infants vaccinated. This being a remote area and the outreach being held only once every month, there was a considerably large crowd that neededvaccinations. That moment of excitement, the noble feeling of being a doctor that crept in when I looked at the kids and their mothers, is something my words fail to explain. At the Anganwadi Centre, the Anganwadi worker, helper and the Teacher were present.

Under the guidance of a proficient ANM and Dr.Sharanya, I learnt the skill of administering vaccines (I.M, Subcut, I.D, and Oral). At the Anganwadi, we administered 10 vaccines to a total of 6 children. Vaccinations given here were – bOPV + Pentavalent1 – 1 Child, bOPV + Pentavalent2 – 2 Children, , Measles1 – 2 Children, DPT 1st booster + bOPV + Measles2 – 1 Child, 1 lakh units Vit.A + Measles1 – 2 children, and 2 lakh units of Vit. A+ Measles2 – 1 Child. After administering these vaccines, every child was given a routine general examination.

After vaccinating everyone at the Anganwadi, we left for the second destination – Kadamakallu Anganwadi Centre. Here we visited the Government School and found that there was just one 10 year old child to be vaccinated (TT10). Here, I vaccinated the child. As we were about to leave, an infant was brought who needed the bOPV + Pentavalent3 + IPV. This child was vaccinated by the ANM as well as Niranjan Murthy.

I took great pride in administering the vaccine (an injection) for the very first time. The feeling was inexplicable. I look forward to being a part ofsuch programmes in the months to come. It was not just an amazing experience but also an opportunity to learn a lot of new things and most importantly I got a peek into the life of a doctor and now I think I know what it feels like to be one. My heartfelt thanks to Dr.Holla for his persistent encouragement and I also extend my gratitude to the college for its support (I hope they add such trips to the curriculum!)

Lanson Brijesh Colaco

7th Term, Phase 3, MBBS

KVG Medical College & Hospital, Sullia.

7 years ago

It is an interesting testimonial for a medical student (correct me if I am wrong). I first congratulate you for the eagerness to learn, try and practice under guidance. I believe the difficult part of medicine or any science, including public health including vaccination, is the translation of theory into practice.

From the narration, I the important things to follow are as follows

1; Important things to do before vaccinating the child

·                 (i)   Screening of diseases and nutrition, if the child is sick refer for medical care

·                 (ii)   Screen for eligibility for the vaccine dose (valid doses for the visit)

·                  (iii)  Key messages to caregivers on the type of vaccine, disease which will be prevented by the vaccine, doses needed to complete the schedule, routine of administration and related health benefits in the integrated health approach

·                    (iv)  Ensure cold chain and vaccines safety ( VVM, Expiry dates, reconstitutions/ Multi-dose Vaccines Vial policy etc)

2; Important things to do while vaccinating the child

·                  (i) Positioning the child for right dose in right place for right vaccines in right position through the right route using the right device and apply the right technique

·                  (ii) Friendly communication with caregiver and infant throughout the process (Client - Provider interpersonal communication)

3; Important things to do after vaccinating the child

·                 (i) Key message on the possible adverse events and what to do, date for the next visit

·                (ii)  Fill of vaccination data, tally sheet, road to health card, register etc.

·                (iii) Ensure caregiver and the child they are resting for a while after injection (at least 30 minutes before departure  for immediate observation)

·                (iv)  Ensure safety disposal of used needles and syringes

I think If you performed at least the three key activities, you should be proud of at least manage to vaccinate a child in your country. Prevention is better than cure and vaccination is a long term investment to health and not a public health expenditure.


Dr David Manyanga,

Good Day to you!

Thank you for going through my post and being kind enough to reply. Thank you for your time.


I have read through all your points, and I can confidently say that we have followed all of them except -  (iii) Ensure caregiver and the child they are resting for a while after injection (at least 30 minutes before departure  for immediate observation.


At the first AWC, we spent more than 30 mins after vacinting the last child but at the second AWC, we didnt spend much time.

I'll keep your point in mind and the next time i go to vaccinate a child i'll stay for atleast 30 mins after i administer the vaccine.



Thank you again for the reply.

Have a nice day...

7 years ago

good experience. nicely shared blog. it is good we learn all these things as medical student,

but giving an injection without provisional MCI/state medical council registration might be risky

God forbid if any serious AEFI happens, even if coincidental, untrained person vaccinating can be blown out of proportion and create problems

my personal experience, we had observed vaccination sessions during our mbbs days, and actually adminsitered vaccines during internship, provosional medical council registration we had

otherwise a very good experience shared and good enthusiam towards public health. all the best

Thank you for sharing you experience vaccinating for the first time. It is a good reminder for some of us who have worked in this field for years and do not vaccinate anymore. 

Adding to what was alredy shared, I wanted to add some documents that guide us on how to reduce injection pain (and in the case of the PAHO document, how to prevent abcesses) . The new WHO Position Paper on reducing injection pain, available here:  The PAHO  job aid on reducing pain and preventing local reactions is attached. I was published in June 2013 and can be found here:

All teh best,


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