Le Réseau Technique de Renforcement des Services de Vaccination

Nous sommes un réseau mondial de professionnels de la vaccination engagés à renforcer les services de vaccination en établissant des relations, en partageant les connaissances, en coordonnant les activités et en alignant les priorités et les objectifs. En savoir plus.

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The WHO Department of Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) is pleased to announce the upcoming second webinar series on Why Gender Matters for Immunization: IA2030.  The Immunization Agenda 2030 e...


The global COVID-19 vaccination response provides many lessons on how to better prepare for and respond to future pandemics that require rapid, large-scale vaccination. This document includes a collection of experiences, best practices, and innovations used during the COVID-19 response that can also...
Dear TechNet members, we are delighted to announce that you can now submit your application to attend the 17th TechNet Conference in Panama City, Panama on 16-19 October 2023. The link to the application form is provided below and should take about 10 minutes to complete. The application form will...
Dear Colleagues, MTaPS https://www.mtapsprogram.org/, is pleased to be hosting a Virtual webinar series on pharmaceutical regulatory systems strengthening (RSS) in the Asian region. This two part series is open to ALL and will facilitate peer-to-peer learning from national (NRAs) and regional (ASEA...
Integrating COVID-19 vaccination into immunization programmes and primary healthcare We are pleased to inform you that the resources for Integrating COVID-19 vaccination into immunization programmes and primary health care are now available. The integration support package consists o...
Regardez le premier échange d’expérience inter-pays de la Plateforme Gavi pour atteindre les enfants zéro-dose, connu sous le nom de “ZDLH-X”. Suivez ce lien pour voir la rediffusion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEfpzZW8ipU Cet événement est l’une des étapes d’une initiative d’apprentissage par...
Dear All, I am pharmacist and working in Atlas Logistique (an emergency and operationnal unit of Handicap International). We had open few logistics platforms in Ukraine and we plan to open new one in Afghanistan (storage & transport of medicines and medical products, H2H project). I would like t...
Le programme Médicaments, Technologies et Services Pharmaceutiques (MTaPS) de l'USAID mène une enquête pour comprendre le statut de l'inclusion des personnes handicapées dans le marché du travail de la chaîne d'approvisionnement de la santé dans les pays à revenu faible et moyen. Votre participation...
Dear colleagues, the TechNet Conference Planning Committee has released a Call for Abstracts. Please click the link below if you want to submit an abstract for a presentation or poster that will be featured at the conference. We would love to hear your ideas! 17th TechNet Conference: Request f...
UNICEF and TechNet-21 are delighted to invite you to a webinar session on "Carbon footprint estimates for delivering immunization program globally". Reaching every child with a shot of vaccine comes at the cost of producing carbon emissions. How much carbon are we emitting? Where are key contributo...
Dear Colleagues, The USAID Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program is conducting a survey to understand the status of disability inclusion in the health supply chain workforce in low- and middle-income countries. Your participation in the survey will help us identify di...
People that Deliver (PtD) has just published its Business case for investment in human resources for health supply chain management. The findings show that most health supply chain workforce investments have been made in staffing (ensuring supply chain positions are filled) and skills development i...
Dear Colleagues, Estimating the value and public health impact of vaccines is critical to ensure evidence-based policy decision making in nearly all stages, from vaccine development to the introduction/implementation of vaccines in low-resource settings. To foster public health equity, as well as e...
anyone can help me how to create an EVM Account please? i have tried many times to contack an EVM admin but never once replied,please help me i really need it...
Four years after the introduction of the malaria vaccine in parts of Kenya, WHO’s Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme (MVIP) team visited government offices, health facilities and homes in the country’s western region to hear from health professionals, community members and caregivers about wha...
Hi Colleagues, I'm looking for a protocol to check the temperature during a vaccination campaign using door-to-door strategy. The study will cover the journey of the vials from the central store to the beneficiary with a focus on the leg from point of service to benficiaries and back to point of se...
Ignite your curiosity ?and dive into the captivating world of the WIISE (WHO Immunization Information System) Programme. Discover how this initiative is revolutionizing #immunization #data #management ? and driving #global #impact. To read ? more details and uncover the full story, follow the link b...
Dear colleagues, You are invited to join a new webinar series on Life Course and Integration. The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) aims to ensure that all people benefit from recommended immunizations throughout the life course, integrated with essential health services This webinar series,...
The WHO is launching the new web-based and mobile-based equipment Inventory and Gap Analysis (IGA) application. Join us in a webinar to learn how this application can ease up the burden of maintaining an updated cold chain equipment inventory and generate reports to identify where there are capacity...
We are pleased to announce that the World Health Organization (WHO) / United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) electronic Joint Reporting Form on Immunization (eJRF) has been open for completion since March 1st and covers reporting data for 2022. ?Do you want to know what the eJRF tool is and how it...
Les candidatures sont ouvertes: Cours sur le genre et la vaccination A partir du jeudi 11 mai Contexte Pour améliorer l'équité en matière de vaccination, il est nécessaire de comprendre et de surmonter les obstacles persistants. La communauté mondiale de la vaccination a traditionnellement néglig...
There are no discussions available here currently

Notre communauté, nos connaissances

6137 membres

Les membres de TechNet sont des professionnels de la vaccination qui travaillent à l'amélioration des services de vaccination dans chaque pays et à tous les niveaux, de la formulation des politiques mondiales et de la gestion des programmes nationaux jusqu'à la prestation de services aux niveaux infranationaux.

  • Connectez-vous les uns aux autres et faites de nouveaux contacts
  • Posez des questions, fournissez des réponses et partagez vos connaissances sur notre forum
  • Rejoindre des groupes de spécialistes (communautés de pratique)
  • Suivez les événements à venir, tels que les webinaires, les opportunités de formation et les événements mondiaux
  • Parcourez les publications clés sur les sujets d'actualité organisées par des experts mondiaux
  • Recherchez des conseils dans notre centre de connaissances

Nos partenaires

Nous sommes fiers de travailler avec de nombreuses organisations et initiatives à travers le monde dans nos efforts pour aider à renforcer les services de vaccination. Nous soutenons le travail de tous les professionnels de la vaccination, des secteurs public et privé, des gouvernements et des organisations internationales aux ONG, institutions universitaires, entreprises et fabricants. TechNet est membre de deux partenariats mondiaux de vaccination:

Comité directeur de la chaîne d'approvisionnement de la vaccination de Gavi Alliance (iSC2)

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Partenariat des réseaux de vaccination

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