Mardi 23 Août 2022
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CAPACITI is a systematic approach for decision-making on immunisation. It aims to strengthen the capacity of low and middle-income countries (LMICs) to evaluate vaccination options according to their priorities and programme context, both to support national immunisation programme and policy decisions and to inform vaccine development decisions.

The CAPACITI Steering Committee welcomes expressions of interest from academics, immunisation professionals, public health experts, scientists, and health regulators who have a range of technical knowledge, skills, and experience relevant to decision-making on immunisation, including vaccine innovation, vaccine product development, innovative technologies; priority setting; health technology assessment; global vaccine policy, immunisation programme implementation; and/or information system design. The Open Call can be found at this link:

Deadline for submission of applications: 11 September 2022. Kind regards, Maarten Jansen CAPACITI project manager

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