Lundi 6 Juin 2022
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Applications Now Open: Gender & Immunization Course


Improving equity in immunization requires understanding and overcoming entrenched barriers. The global immunization community traditionally overlooked the role of gender-related barriers in determining access to and use of vaccination services. Similarly, the gender-related barriers to the largely female health workforce that provides immunization services are only now starting to be recognized.  

Improving gender equality and reducing gender barriers in health has now become a priority for multilateral agencies such as the World Health Organization,GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, and USAID,  as well as nation governments around the world.

The Boost Community, in partnership with John Snow, Inc.’s MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project (M-RITE) project, will convene a four-week virtual short-course on gender and immunization starting June 23 to increase immunization professionals’ competency and confidence around planning and developing gender-aware and -transformative activities to improve equity in immunization. 

What You Will Learn

After completing this course, you will not only have the knowledge, tools, skills, capacity, and confidence to address gender barriers to immunization, but also be able to:

  • Develop and implement gender-responsive interventions
  • Carry out practical monitoring, evaluation, and learning functions
  • Document efforts to integrate gender into immunization activities
  • Recognize opportunities for accessing support for this work

As a result, you will become part of a growing cadre of committed and capable professionals working to recognize and reduce gender-related barriers to equitable immunization. 

Who Should Apply

Individuals who are eligible to take this course must be working in or supporting immunization in lower and middle-income countries.

We highly encourage women to apply as we are aiming for gender parity across this cohort. 

Course Expectations 

If you apply and are accepted in the course, you are expected to:

  • Participate in four mandatory 90-minute live sessions via Zoom every Thursday at 12:00 PM UTC+0 from June 23 - July 14
  • Complete brief homework assignments for a total time commitment of 1 to 2 hours per week

Upon demonstrated completion of the four sessions and brief homework assignments, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

How to Apply

Please fill out this brief application to confirm your interest in the course by June 15.

If accepted into the program, you will receive an onboarding email approximately one week prior to the course start date with more details on how to attend live sessions and join your peers through the Boost Community platform. 

Please note that spots are limited so we encourage you to apply soon!

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