Lundi 12 Décembre 2016
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Dear colleagues,

The Interagency Supply Chain Group (ISG) comprising 15 global agencies, are actively involved in supporting supply chain efforts across all disease areas.The purpose of this group is to provide better coordinated and more effective support to country efforts in ensuring sustainable access to high quality essential health commodities. The group meets quarterly to address priority issues, with technical working groups established for specific focus areas. This includes opportunities to strengthen collaboration at the country level, and leverage institutional support around key technical issues.

The ISG has recently published a two-page brochure - find attached - that summarizes a six-country review undertaken by the ISG Secretariat in Senegal, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia, Nigeria and Myanmar earlier this year. The review focused on interagency collaboration in supply chains for essential medicines. For more details, please contact Hitesh Hurkchand of the RMNCH Strategy and Coordination Team at [email protected]

Kind regards,


Hitesh Hurkchand

RMNCH Strategy and Coordination Team

UNICEF, New York

Phone: +1.212.326.7395

Mobile: +1.917.975.9743

Skype: hitesh_h

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