mardi 7 mai 2019
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  3.1K Visits

Hey everybody! First of all, thanks for accepting me into this great community.

I am currently enrolled in a Masters programme organised by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and I was hoping to find some help for my Master thesis on here.

Some context: For my thesis I have analysed changes in vaccine coverage in countries after they have transitioned from Gavi support. As some of you may know, as part of Gavis "Transition Policy", once countries reach a threshold of 1580 US$ GNI per capita, they are expected to gradually adopt more financing responsibilities, until they no longer receive any support after 5 years.

For the next part of my thesis I have picked countries whose vaccine coverage either increased or decreased after being fully self-financing and am now looking for aspects that could explain these changes.

The countries in question are: Armenia, Angola, DRC, Georgia and Moldava.

A potential Interviewee would ideally have worked in the area of vaccine delivery or surveillance within the last 2-3 years. The interviews would be fairly short, I expect them to be somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes.

If anyone would be willing and able to help, I would be eternally thankful!

Thanks in advance.



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