Jeudi 12 Novembre 2020
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The Boost Community invites all immunization professionals to respond to a recent Boost survey around how we can support countries to plan and prepare for the introduction of a COVID-19 vaccine.

This survey is part of a Sabin co-led initiative (with Dalberg and JSI), the COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project, which supports immunization professionals and stakeholders in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to plan, prepare for and operationalize COVID-19 vaccine introduction programs. The COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Project believes that fair outcomes start with fair processes. In order to realize fair outcomes for COVID-19 introduction, global, regional, and country responses need to do more than just prioritize populations. Efforts must drive toward realistic planning and preparedness for sustainably integrating COVID-19 vaccines into country-level EPI programs. In our experience, the most effective way to do this is by deeply involving decision makers and stakeholders in the countries and communities in the planning, execution, and decision-making process. That is why we are inviting our community of immunization professionals to share, via a brief survey, the type of technical support countries will need to prepare for smooth and effective introduction of a COVID-19 vaccine. Please note that the survey will close on Thursday, November 19 and we will share major insights through the Boost Community feed. Moreover, survey participants will greatly help inform our action planning and next steps of the project. The survey is now available in English, French and Spanish.

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