Lundi 11 Mars 2024
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  590 Visits

The HISP Centre at University of Oslo invites you to join us for the next edition in our Gavi-supported DHIS2 for Immunization webinar series. This quarter, our focus is on DHIS2 use in immunization supply chains. We will present examples from the Unicef-Thrive360 National Control tower project in Nigeria and Sierra Leone, which illustrate how how stock dashboards can support decision making and reporting. Additionally, we will share examples from various countries of existing stock data that is already captured in HMIS (DHIS2) instances can be used through similiar initiatives to improve the supply of medicines.

This webinar will be hosted in both English and French:

  • English: Tuesday 19 March, 14:00 – 15:00 CET - Registration
  • French: Thursday 21 March, 14:00 – 15:00 CET - Registration

We hope you join us for this online event.

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