Tuesday, 12 November 2019
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The 2019 Pneumonia & Diarrhea Progress Report Card—an annual report developed by the International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health—is now live.

This year’s report card finds health systems are falling short of ensuring the world’s most vulnerable children have access to prevention and treatment services in the 23 countries that together account for 75% of global pneumonia and diarrhea deaths in children under 5. It describes progress in fighting pneumonia and diarrhea in countries with the highest absolute number of deaths and, for the first time, in countries with the highest rates of deaths from these illnesses. While the report card identifies progress—increases in immunization coverage—it also describes a near-universal failure to meet GAPPD targets across 23 countries with the greatest burden of disease.

About IVAC

The International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) applies rigorous science to build knowledge and support for the value of vaccines. Based in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, with a team of over 40 physicians and professors, economists and epidemiologists, researchers and advocates, IVAC provides global technical leadership on over 15 vaccine-preventable diseases. IVAC’s approach utilizes leading-edge science, clear communication, productive partnership, and capacity building. By generating, synthesizing, and using evidence to inform decision-making and action, we accelerate equitable and sustainable access to vaccines globally.

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