Thursday, 31 May 2018
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National vaccine logistics systems, originally designed in the 1980s, are today confronted to a real revolution in the following aspects:

  • Broader range of vaccines and greater diversity of service delivery strategies
  • Solarization and digitization of the supply chain: CCEOP, remote temperature monitoring, etc.
  • Integration of products from other health programs and supply chain streamlining.

To address the growing complexity of their supply chains, EPI and other public health programs need to strengthen the skills of the human resources involved in supply chain management and operations. To support them, the LOGIVAC Center, created by AMP and IRSP, designed and implemented this training whose objective was to make available to Francophone countries EPI logistics managers able to:

  • Design and implement an optimized logistics system
  • Plan activities for managing the vaccine supply chain
  • Ensure availability of vaccines at all service delivery points
  • Ensure the end-to-end continuity of the cold chain
  • Ensure immunization safety and waste management
  • Use modern tools of the logistics management information systems
  • Supervise health workers involved in immunization logistics.
  • Outsource logistics services.

Twenty participants came from the following countries for this session: Benin (10 trainees), Cameroon (2 trainees), Côte d’Ivoire (2 trainees), Niger (4 trainees), Senegal (1 trainee), Chad (1 trainee).

The teaching team included Beninese and international facilitators under the supervision of the Course Coordinator, Dr. Modibo Dicko, Free-lance Consultant.

The course took place at the IRSP in Ouidah (Benin) from April 23rd to May 18th, 2018, that is nearly 104 hours of lectures and practical works, 16 hours of field visits and 14 hours of evaluation totaling 134 teaching hours. The teaching techniques used were based on andragogy methods.

At the final course evaluation, the overall group average score was 14.8 out of 20, the maximum score was 17 out of 20 and the minimum score was 10.4 out of 20.

The following main recommendations were made for the LogiVac Center:

  • Hold before each edition of the course, a session for updating the contents of the modules.
  • Administer some modules as prerequisites to attendees prior to their arrival for the face-to-face phase in order to lighten the courses during this phase.
  • Reflect on the possibility of splitting the course into two different ones: (i) a middle level course for trainees at the central, regional and district levels and (ii) a course for the service level for trainees working at the level of health service provision.
  • Reflect on the feasibility of relocating the course in countries to allow more trainees to participate; this recommendation is more applicable to the service level course.
5 years ago

Nice article on vaccine logistics technology

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