Prestation de services
All topics related to the delivery of immunization services, including routine and campaign delivery services as well as injection safety.
On October 6, 2023, HLN released a new version (v1.40.1) of the Immunization Calculation Engine (ICE) to several vaccine groups. ICE is a state-of-the-art open source software system that provides clinical decision support for immunizations for use in Immunization Information Systems (IIS), Electron...
HLN released a new version (v1.39.1) of the Immunization Calculation Engine (ICE). ICE is a state-of-the-art open source software system that provides clinical decision support for immunizations for use in Immunization Information Systems (IIS), Electronic Health Record (EHR), and Personal Health Re...
Les candidatures sont ouvertes: Cours sur le genre et la vaccination
A partir du jeudi 11 mai
Pour améliorer l'équité en matière de vaccination, il est nécessaire de comprendre et de surmonter les obstacles persistants. La communauté mondiale de la vaccination a traditionnellement néglig...
Dear colleagues,
Have you ever asked yourself why there are not more community health workers administering vaccines in LMICs?
I’m sure we all are familiar with the chronic health worker shortages and stagnating routine immunization rates globally, and can agree that new strategies are needed to i...
Dear colleagues,
The new WHO’s vaccine safety virtual learning ecosystem offers 4 WHO certified courses on vaccine safety and AEFI namely
1. Vaccine Safety Basics
2. AEFI data management basics
3. AEFI investigation
4. AEFI causality assessment
These 4 courses are available on the ...
As USAID’s flagship global technical leadership project for immunization, the MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity Project (M-RITE) is conducting a brief survey to learn about past or current efforts to offer expanded or alternative hours/days for RI services on an ongoing basis. ...
Building off the foundational work of the Vaccination Demand Hub, and with funding from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Service Experience Toolkit was launched. The Service Experience Toolkit is designed to introduce the concept of immunization service experience (SE) at the country level, part...
Join JSI and PATH for a deep dive into USAID MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity's program in Vietnam where they supported the Ministry of Health and in country immunization programs to reach children and marginalized populations in hard-to-reach provinces.Date: Next Tuesday Octo...
Dear colleagues,
You are invited to a new TechNet webinar series on Reaching Zero-Dose Children.
The Zero-Dose Children Webinar series will build understanding of how to reach key populations which are missed by immunisation and other basic health services including communities residing in po...
We are pleased to announce that the Teach to Reach: Connect 6 plenaries and workshops are now available.
Register for Teach to Reach: Connect 7 on 14 October 2022
Topics covered include: Immunization Agenda 2030, COVID-19 vaccine demand, gender barrier...
Join the Boost Community and the Exemplars in Global Health (EGH) program for a live engagement on Tuesday, May 17 at 10:00 AM EDT/ 2:00 PM GMT / 3:00 PM WAT / 7:30 PM IST (check your local time).
The Exemplars in Global Health program believes that the quickest path to success is to identify who h...
Stories of Resourcefulness, Adaptability & Resilience
View Stories
In an ongoing effort to shine a light on voices of innovation...
The Vaccine Preventable DIseases program of WHO AFRO would like to share with you the Lessons Library aggregating the main lessons and best practices from the COVID vaccine roll out over the last 10 months. These are mostly harvested from the intra-action reviews that countries conducted in the midd...
This new job aid for COVID-19 vaccination implementers was developed as part of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator’s Country Readiness and Delivery (CRaD) workstream. The resource shares common COVID-19 vaccine introduction challenges and corresponding potential solutions. The content is...
Hi, all. I'm writing to share this attached report that investigates:
How concentrated or dispersed should COVID vaccination delivery be in LMICs?
Should COVID-19 vaccines be delivered through a few large, centralized vaccination locations (concentrated) or through many small vaccination locations...
Ethiopia is introducing a new tool to triangulate data between program and supply chain. Similar to map reading where compass bearings from three known points can estimate a position, data triangulation uses multiple data sources to get better reliability/accuracy.
You can ready more abo...
NEW! WHO resources on Catch-up Vaccination
1. Leave No One Behind: Guidance for planning and implementing catch-up vaccination – this is a foundational document that covers catch-up vaccination as an essential component of a strong immunization programme, o...
Save the Date: 1-2 September 2021, Lusaka, Zambia
The PtD Global Indaba Steering Committee members are pleased to announce new dates for the upcoming PtD Global Indaba: A forum on Human Resources for Health Supply Chain Management (HR4SCM). This event, organized by PtD in partnership with IAPHL, In...
Vx Data Insights Webinar #4: How WhatsApp is transforming communications within the Kenyan healthcare system
July 30, 2020, 9:30 a.m. EST / 3:30 p.m. CEST (Geneva)
Join JSI and Sonder Design Collective for a ...
Policy vs Practice: Two modes that reflect decision-making in the Kenyan health system
July 16, 2020, 9:30 a.m. EST / 3:30 p.m. CEST (Geneva)
Join JSI and Sonder Design Collective for a third in a series of mini ...
In collaboration with the WHO, Immunization Academy's IA Watch has created new training videos on how to safely deliver immunizations during the COVID-19 outbreak. The first new video in the series is "IPC Standard Precautions During the COVID-19 Outbreak." French and Spanish versions are coming soo...
The Health System Map and Its Actors: Introducing you to the key actors who make up the Kenyan Immunization Program
July 2, 2020, 9:30 a.m. EDT / 1:30 p.m. GMT
Join JSI and Sonder Design Collective for a second in ...
You are invited to join an upcoming webinar:
Re-framing how we think about decision-making: 3 lessons from healthcare workers and managers in Kenya
June 18, 2020, 9:30 a.m. EST / 3:30 p.m. GMT
Join JSI and...
Dear Colleagues,
Please circulate the following opportunity within your networks.IntraHealth is looking for a 'Senior Advisor for health workforce strengthening' to support the conceptualization and implementation of IntraHealth’s technical approach to improving the performance, productivity and su...
If pregrant women is COVID-19 positive and deliver baby, how it is important to give Hep.B, BCG and birth dose of OPV, or we can differ the vaccination till mother is fully recovered. Please suggest....
IN incase of lockdown due to COVID -19 pandamic, if immunization services is temporarily deferred up to one month . My qurries is if 2nd dose Pentvalent or OPV is given after 2 to 3 months later is there any changes in the vaccine e...
Dear techNet community viewers
Greetings from KVG Medical Coillege team.
We wish to share the following on going success story with the viewers for further contribution and also a PPT is attached on the same. Hope you will enjoy.
What is the innovative practice: Established “nursing station” for ...
Dear all - Happy 2020!! I came across a relatively recent update to the Cochrane Review of Needle sizes for vaccination. I thought I'd share it with the TechNet Community. The full report is here:
Cochrane Database Sy...
Dear Viewers
Happy Christmas to techNet community. I wish to share the following as a preparedness strategy.
Recently, District TB Officer – Dr Badrudeen MN, in collaboration with state WHO consultant – Dr Shazia Anjum, and all other stakeholders of bordering district of Kerala State conducted a c...
Dear TechNet Community,
I have an exciting milestone to share on behalf of the VillageReach Drones for Health team: Since 2015, VillageReach has collaborated with stakeholders at local, regional and global levels to support supply chain solutions, including exploring the use of unmanned aircraft sy...
Dear viewers, we wish to share the attached with the techNet community
This year on 14th November 2019, we celebrated “EuVac award ceremony” in our college to felicitate the parents for getting their children graduated timely with primary vaccination before first b...
Dear viewers
India is committed and consistently trying to improve and sustain vaccination coverage. Despite the best efforts; we have to go only a few more miles to achieve and sustain >90% from the current 87% vaccination coverage for which GoI launched Intensified Mission Indradhanush [IMI 2....
Dear viewers in view of the following context we [KVG team] wish share the attached.
Context: The Union Government has rolled out a programme for universal screening of an estimated 250 million children and adolescents below 18 years annually for Leprosy and Tuberculosis (TB) and put on treatment i...
Dear viewers
Please find the attached “Dewalbari one pager” which was mailed to the Country Representative on 15th August 2012 – a dramatic & historic event in the field of routine immunization.
India was consistently trying to improve full immunization coverage, declared 2012-13 as year of in...
Dear all
During the routine visits to Medical Colleges, opportunistic proactive supportive supervision was provided which helps in updating the practices on the spot to keep pace with the current schedule.
It also gives an opportunity to share the successful interventions through on the spot recti...
Dear all
Please find the attached which is not new for the techNet community as cold chain, VVM were repeatedly discussed in this forum but in reality the attached is happening as an evergreen programmatic adverse event in practice widening immunity gap specially in the high income group which is p...
What is a typical frequency of outreach operations for EPI vaccinations? Monthly, quarterly, every six months, annually? Are there any prescribed standards for this? On a related note, are outreach operations typically scheduled at the same locations or do they shift these from place to place? Thank...
What are the vaccines that could be given to children who have missed their immunization as scheduled? Some children come at 1 year, 2 years and even at 3 years of age without receiving any vaccine or only a few of them. I would like to know what vaccines could be given at various ages for children ...
Dear all
I encountered operational challege were during SIA, specifically OBR using mOPV2 antigen. I observed that the fixed post team were given only bOPV which is the right antigen for routine while ignoring the purpose of the campaign (mOPV2 not given). They were intructed to give both mOPV2 and...
Dear viewers
Several workshops were routinely held in the past and many more will be held in the future also especially to address urban immunization issues. Mission Director of Karnataka, in his inaugural speech expressed his deep apprehension as to whether the workshop will end with feasibl...
WHO/HQ/EPI is interested in strengthening immunization outreach efforts by creating some related job aids for health workers. To this end, we would appreciate your perspective on some of the barriers undermining this critical part of vaccination activities.
We request you to complete a small 5 t...
Dear colleagues,
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, is currently reviewing its programmatic policies, including those that focus on reducing barriers to increasing immunisation coverage. The review process will draw on lessons learned from the successes and challenges in implementing Gavi’s current ...
We have recently used the WHO Immunization Session Checklist (Figure 5.11 in the 2015 edition of Immunization in Practice) as part of a set of observational research tools looking at routine immunization practices in Papua New Guinea. We are looking for benchmarks on compliance with the checklist a...
Recent reports [1] of counterfeit yellow fever vaccination certificates in Zambia follow reports of falsified proof of vaccination documents being used in other countries, including Ethiopia [2], India [3], Nigeria [4], Pakistan [5], Sudan [6], Uganda [7], Tanzania [8] and Zimbabwe [9]. While the Wo...
New tetanus vaccine
1. How many doses (maximum) of tetanus doses is required in a ilfe time? 2. Is there a booster dose? 3. How many doses of tetanus is required after a cut injury?
With regards
Dr. Dhrupthob Sonam...
Dear Colleagues,
WHO guidelines for home-based records were just recently released - WHO recommendations on home-based records for maternal, newborn and child health. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018.
The recommendations, rationale and remarks below are abstracted from the document, which h...
You will find in the TechNet-21 Resource Library the recently released WHO report "Explorations of Inequality: Childhood Immunization" and its accompanying interactive data visuals:
The report descri...
Dear all
Generally both parents and beneficiaries feel just pushing the vaccine will result in immunization. To maintain the quality of service, CDC has set 8 rights to be observed before / while and after administering any vaccine.
Control of TB is a question of justice and human rights. Globally...
Developed jointly by UNICEF and WHO, this brief Multi-Dose Vial Policy (MDVP) mini-course provides all partners and staff working to support immunization with a better understanding of the 2014 revision of the Multi-Dose Vial Policy and how to apply it in the real world.
With the complexity of toda...
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put in to practice. Practice till you are the best, Practice to remain the best”
On 24th April, I had the opportunity to visit a Medical College in Dakshina Kannada. As hobby / passion / proactive social service, along...
Dear viewers
World TB day theme 2018- Wanted: Leaders for a TB free world and the corollary: Quickly and adequately involve the active leaders.
In view of the above we wish to share the attached highlighting the activities to inactivate TB. Two related activities – BCG vaccination and Mantoux tes...
Dear viewers
World TB day is fast approching for which we wish to share the attached through which any high risk practice in any field of public health can be rapidly, effectively and sustainably closed through proactive approach blended with support from professional colleagues in the authorized p...
In response to the demand by HODs of Department of Community Medicine of a few Medical Colleges, KVG team is proud to share 7 slides PPT on the above subject. We wish replication of the same in all Medical Colleges, especially private to promote quality vaccination and Mantoux test [Tuberculin Skin...
Dear all,
India is more committed, last case of WPV1 was in Jan 2011, along with other 10 countries got the certificate of eradication in March 2014.
But as long as there is wild virus circulating in any part of the world, threat exists and may revert back to pre-eradication era as opined by the ...
Goodday colleagues,
I am developing a post-graduate research proposal for submission in an academic institution to improve service delivery and continous quality improvement. The topic isTHE KNOWLEDGE (understanding and perception) OF & REPORTING PATTERN OF ADVERSE EVENTS FOLLOWING IMMUNIZATION (AE...
Dear viewers
All of us are witnessing rapid multidimensional growth of routine immunization in the current decade. Keeping pace with the rapidly expanding / frequently changing schedule itself is a challenge faced by the service providers, more so in the private sector.
Pilot study revealed dange...
IAC recently updated its 3-page resource, Skills Checklist for Vaccine Administration, a tool to help assess staff members' and your own skills in administering vaccines. This resource, which is adapted from the California Department of Public Health's Immunization Branch, has been fully updated wit...
WHO guidelines on ethical issues in public health surveillance
World Health Organization, 2017
ISBN: 978-92-4-151265-7
The WHO Guidelines on Ethical Issues in Public Health Surveillance is the first international framework of its kind, it fills an important gap. The goal of the guideline developm...
Dear viewers
We have already shared about our preparation for succesfully operating Intensified Mission Indradhanush in an Urban area. Data of two session sites of one sub-centre is analyzed and we wish to share as a feedback / interim report. India is known for unity in diversity. Potentially ~9 m...
Dear viewers
India is committed. In the last ten years made remarkable achievement in the field of Immunization, to name a few, eradicated polio, introduced Pentavalent, MCV 2 doses and now the MR campaign, Rota and PCV vaccines were introduced, 2012-13 was declared as year of Intensified Immunizat...
Dear all,
Routine immunizations and new vaccine introductions are two best buys in global health. But while immunization coverage has increased dramatically in the last decade, more must be done to ensure every child is reached. To bridge this gap, we need reliable, easily accessed and actionable d...
Dear viewers
We wish to share the original article -- “Study on Hepatitis B Birth dose Vaccination Coverage, Promoting the same in a Private Rural Medical College”.
Though Viral Hepatitis – a silent public health problem of “extraordinary scale” could not feature in MDG goals, got qualified to be ...
We are trying to contribute bringing the equity focus on immunisation to the forefront of international and national health policies. In a recent overview of systematic reviews we have been able to identify a large body of evidence on imbalances in access to vaccination according to equity attribute...
I was wondering if someone with experience on the subject could comment - even very generally - on daily arrival patterns of individuals (children) seeking routine immunizations (WHO-EPI vaccines) at health clinics in low and middle income countries? Are these pretty steady throughout the day or do ...
Dear TechNet viewers
Like many chronic diseases, whether communicable or non communicable, Tuberculosis is also an inadequately understood Vaccine Preventable Disease with frequent change in definition and treatment protocol.
In the recent RNTCP quarterly review meeting, substantial gap...
Dear viewers
Proper vaccine administration is a critical component of a successful immunization program. It is a key part of ensuring that vaccination is as safe and effective as possible.
The attached PPT provides what one has to look for before vaccine administration, some of the points are coun...
Dear members and viewers of technet For the successful implementation of routine immunization, country should have a specific IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULE. Members of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization periodically meet and review the progress involving the collaborative development partners...
Dear viewers Manoor is a SC of Community Health Centre (CHC) Kota of Udupi Taluk and district of Karnataka state. What the country wants to achieve by 2020 is already achieved and sustained. Udupi and the neighboring districts – Dakshinakannada, Kodagu, are all well performing districts. Only constr...
Dear viewers
Please go through the attached PPT which may contribute to better the quality of service delivery. The illustrations are just a fraction of the tip of an iceberg. We daily receive such illustrations from the field.
We wish to share the PPT presented on 21st Sep 2016 in the regular Aca...
Hello everyone!
This is my very first post here. I am a 3rd year Student of Medicine(M.B.B.S) studying at KVG Medical College & Hospital, Sullia, India.
Attched is a PDF file which is the original document...Please go through that as it has pictures. Whatever text that follows this is a copy from ...
Presently the dose of rabies immunoglobulin (RIG) which is an integral part of rabies post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is calculated based on body weight though the recommendation is to infiltrate the wound(s). This practice demands large quantities of RIG which may be un- affordable to many patients...
Interesting paper from EMHJ describing systemic bottlenecks and proposes potentialsolutions for routine EPI in Pakistan...
Dear viewers
Out of inquisitiveness, we studied the usage of the First IPV vial of 5 facilities and got many things to learn from the service providers of 3 attached planning units, one First Referral Unit and the vaccination clinic of our own College. These lessons are universal and hence can cert...
For realizing the above, identifying maximum causes of gap and operating good practices for mitigation is essential to meet the global vaccination targets by 2020.
We made video recording and still photos for presenting in the monthly Academic Society Meeting for teaching purpose, to prevent avoida...
The following guidance documents are now available: PRACTICES TO IMPROVE COVERAGE OF THE HEPATITIS B BIRTH DOSE VACCINE This document is now available in both English and French. The main purpose of this document is to evaluate published and grey literature on best practices for provision of hepati...
Sustaining interest in a programme for several years is not an easy task. India conducted 44 rounds of Pulse Polio including the current round in Jan 2016. Many got retired but still proactively involve themselves in the pulse polio programme as national festival.
Little creative simplifying cha...
Dear all
India is committed. Eradicated polio; achieved ~65% Full Immunization Coverage by 2013-14, aims to achieve >90% by 2020 through Mission Indradhanush (MI). MI districts are on war foot and in mission mode to achieve the objectives. Service providers from the government, ANMs/AWWs/ASHAs/USHA...
Pleased to share with you the finalized report from theOctober 2015 Meeting of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC), held in Geneva, Switzerland on October 14-15, 2015....
On visiting Gundmi sub centre, vaccination data was collected, analysed and the results were shared as a "brekthrough" with the health care service providers, Taluk Health Officer, RCH Officer, District Health Officer and all the higher officers up to the centre and with the TechNet 21 community. Gu...
The WHO has just released a new 'Guidance Note' on vaccine diluents. It is designed to provide guidance on the proper handling of vaccine diluents and their use in reconstitution. The purpose is to enable vaccinators, logisticians and programme managers to understand how diluents should be used with...
These are the conclusions from the recent study in 4 Gavi countries (attached). Are you convinced by these findings?...
Please find the attached summary of "MISSION INDRADHANUSH SIMULATION STUDY" conducted in the Primary Health Centre Samapje which is the Rural Health Training Centre for field practice of KVG Medical College. The baseline coverage >2 years itself is >95% since 2013 and hence we raised...
Sampaje team completed mission indradhanush simulation study(MISS). Lessons learnt with study observations is attached for the technet community for viewing/reviewing. Hoping for CSF (comments / suggestions / feedback) from the viewers....
We are pleased to share the new PtD Newsflash no. 16 with our colleagues.
In this issue of the PtD Newsflash, read more about the:
Webinar for the LAC region on systematic approaches to increasing professionalism in health SCM
Newgraduates from the Pharmacy Assistant Training...
For reviewing the performance of a programme it is customary to have a target / expected level of achievement as a denominator before launching a programme. From the numerator collected through formats, indicators were obtained for performance review; for e.g. in NID/SIA’s 0 to 5 yr children are the...
Thanks to all the organizers of the TechNet Conference for creating a space to share new ideas and experiences and inspire each of us as we continue to work in vaccines. A new blog is posted here with some of the key themes that were mentioned on the last summary day:
We launched the above study to prove once again that through a "Simplest one page tool and userfriendly approach of Learning by doing and working together" it is possible to achieve and sustain very high coverage >90% within 20 weeks in a planning unit area and within one year in a District, saving ...
Learning by doing and working together with mutual professional respect and reciprocation takes the team rapidly towrds the goal.
Quote from National Health Policy 2015 Draft placed in public domain for CSF (comments/suggestion/feedback):
"India today possesses as never before, a sophisticated ars...
The team Sampaje started Simulation study on Mission Indradhnush Twenty Twenty. The first session day completed on 01 April 2015 but without getting 'fooled'. Tracking of 6 chldren over, one master Mungli the forest boy left for home in Assam.
9 more sessions to to go by 16th April thogugh final sc...
Immunization coverage increased by 1% per year – from 61% in 2009 to 65% in 2014. Mission Inndradhanush aims at increasing the coverage by 5% per year to cross 90% by the year 2020.
In the year 2012-13, when Intensification of Routine Immunization (IRI) was declared, a simulation study was conducte...
Till recently vaccinating with 6 basic vaccines is considered as minimal / essential global requirement.With rapid expansion of the programme in the recent yrs, newborn vaccination has already gained status and got featured in the National immunization Schedule/IAP schedule. But something extra (???...
Karnataka completed more than 2 scores of pulse polio rounds (43) since 1995. Learning by doing and working together is a continuous process. Planning unit is a template and hence the lessons learnt from one model unit can benefit 2300+ & 23500+ units of Karnataka & the country respectively...
Dear Reader,
Thank you for your time. I am excited to be here and learn from the experts.
For a class project in data mining, I tested some algorithms to predict BCG immunization rates using social indicators in World Bank survey data. The report is attached. Please have a look and share your...
Thinking Globally: On 06th Nov 2014, in the training workshop on MDVP/Open vaccine vial policy, the PHC staff were sensitized about two rounds of pulse polio (NID 2015); shared the global concerns of polio eradication programme: 1. closing the population immunity gap 2. reaching the unreached espe...
Global commitment eradicated polio in 4 regions. Before eradication, globally an estimated 959 cases used to occur per day which is now reduced to...
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you to those who filled in the 1st and 2nd survey. We have had over 110 responses so far. We still need your help with the last survey.
As part of the GAVI supply chain strategy PtD has been leading the development of a ‘SCM Leadership Competency Framework’ as part of the...
Interesting read from this recent paper that nicely summarizes some of the key challenges and opportunities in routine immunization according to 8 core components of
1. Policy, standards, and guidelines
2. Governance, organization, and management
3. Human resources
4. Vaccine, cold chain, and l...
In August, photographer Phil Moore accompanied a Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) vaccination team in the remote mountainous war-torn eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo).
Here he shares the story of his trip with photos.
A recent joint publication in the Weekly Epidemiological Review (WER) and the MMWR has provided an overview of the most recent official global coverage rates, as they have been summarized in the WHO UNICEF Estimation of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC). In addition, the publication included a...
A new WHO Information Note concerning the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is now available on the WHO website.
As a public health emergency of international concern, the recent Ebola outbreak has drawn huge global attent...
There are no discussions available here currently