Posts tagged with 'Optimize'


Please join the PATH Introducing Digital Immunization information systems: Exchange and Learning from Vietnam (IDEAL-Vietnam) project for a webinar on scaling-up electronic immunization information systems. The webinar will take place on Thursday, February 27th at 1pm CET. During the webinar the pr...
PATH has been collaborating with Vietnam National EPI to pilot the Digital Immunization Registry in one district in a Southern province under Optimize Project since 2012. In 2014, this system was expanded in all 164 Commune Health Centers in that province. It can help to reduce workload burden, incr...
Over the last two decades, increased investments in health have yieldedsignificant gains in health outcomesfor tens of millions of people around the world. At the same time, economic growth has raised hundreds of millions out of extreme poverty and helped fuel a vast expansion in information technol...
Reposted from JSI's The Pump Jeff Sanderson,Senior Technical Advisor African immunization supply chains need to be transformed. Between 2010 and 2020, new vaccine introductions will quadruple the volume of vaccines per immunized child. The number of vaccine doses that health workers will adminis...
Recently, I was sitting with the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) Manager, his senior staff, and technical assistance (TA) partners in an African country, discussing support for better visibility and analysis of immunization supply chain data. The EPI Manager was willing to listen, but wasn’...
by Dan Brigden, WHO Over the last five years, project Optimize has worked closely with national immunization programs to explore innovative solutions to supply chain challenges. Each project has attempted to solve a particular immunization challenge—from an electronic immunization registry in Alb...
An online version of the ICT Toolkit developed by project Optimize has been published on the website. The original document, entitled Planning an information systems project: A toolkit for public health managers, is available as a PDF on the PATH and WHO we...
by Jan Grevendonk, WHO Project Optimize has worked closely with national immunization programs throughout the world to demonstrate innovative solutions to supply chain challenges. Many of these demonstration projects have involved the use of information systems to help improve the performance of im...
by Michel Zaffran, WHO In December 2007, a team of talented individuals from PATH and the World Health Organization (WHO) came together to form project Optimize, a five-year collaboration to identify ways in which supply chains can be optimized to meet the demands of an increasingly large and cos...
VaxTrak in Vietnam VaxTrak helps health workers keep track of vaccine stock. In 2011, the Vietnamese National Expanded Programme on Immunization introduced VaxTrak in the provinces of Phu Tho, Quang Tri, and Ben Tre. This short video shows how VaxTrak works and examines the impact it has had. [you...
by Bjorn Melgaard, Judy Roberts, Prashant Yadav, Anup Akkihal, Robert Steinglass, and Gisele Corrêa Miranda, Optimize Project Advisory Group members Following the 2013 TechNet Consultation in Dakar, Senegal, members of the Optimize Project Advisory Group (PAG) met for the last time to discuss pro...
by Daniel Thornton, GAVI; Henry Mwanyika, PATH; Drew Meek, WHO; Ulrike Kreysa, GS1 A project in Tanzania is exploring how best to implement barcodes on vaccine packaging. By adding barcodes to the shipping containers and secondary packaging used to transport vaccines, project organizers hope to le...
by Dao Ding Sang and Vu Minh Huong, PATH Over the last three years, Optimize has been working with Vietnam’s National Expanded Programme on Immunization (NEPI) to pilot a new computerized logistics management information system. The new system, named VaxTrak, is designed to help immunization health...
by Nguyen Van Cuong, NEPI, and Vu Minh Huong, PATH Earlier this year, Vietnam’s National Expanded Programme on Immunization (NEPI) conducted an Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment to evaluate the country’s immunization logistics systems. The results reveal that key improvements have been ...
by Morris Gargar, Consultant; Elly Tumwine, UNICEF; and Ryan McWhorter, Logistimo The Government of the Republic of South Sudan is working with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and project Optimize to test a cloud-based logistics management information system (LMIS) that uses mobile phon...
To accompany the article “Online immunization registry transforms the work of health staff in Albania” in this month’s newsletter, project Optimize has published" target="_blank"> a photo set on Flickr that reveals...
An interview with Silvia Bino, Albania Institute of Public Health The Institute of Public Health in Albania recently developed an online immunization registry to replace their existing paper-based system. In May 2011, the new system—named IIS—was piloted in Shkoder district. One year later, Op.ti.m...
by Dr. Nguyen Van Cuong, NEPI and Joanie Robertson, PATH Vietnam’s National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology is collaborating with project Optimize to demonstrate the benefits of a computerized immunization registry. In January 2012, a new computerized immunization registry was piloted by Viet...
by Mojtaba Haghgou, consultant, and Ramzi Ouichi, WHO A web-based version of the Vaccination Supply Stock Management (VSSM) tool has been successfully deployed in Iran. Now, project Optimize is collaborating with the Tunisian Ministry of Health to field-test wVSSM in Tunisia. VSSM is an open...
by Erida Nelaj, Albania Institute for Public Health and Jan Grevendonk, PATH In May 2011, the Albanian Institute for Public Health (IPH) launched a new web-based immunization registry and vaccine ordering system in the district of Skodra. Based on the acceptability and success of the system in Skod...
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