Tuesday, 22 May 2018
  2 Replies
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We are happy to announce the latest version of the Total Cost of Ownership tool for cold chain equipment (v1.5) is now available to download and use. If you have been using an earlier version of the tool, please download the latest version from the link below.  

Version 1.5 includes options to add Service Bundle quotes for CCEOP procurement which will overwrite installation cost assumptions.  Version 1.5 also features enhanced warranty comparisons that reflect the value of standard warranties from suppliers over time.  The latest version of the TCO tool contains PQS pre-qualified equipment as of May 2018.

Please download the latest version (in English or French) for the most up to date products and pricing. http://www.path.org/publications/detail.php?i=2576 

If you have any questions or would like any training/demos please email Matt Morio [email protected]

6 years ago

Dear all, 

Apologies, the prior version of TCO 1.5 had a bug where euro conversions were not correct.  This has been corrected in the tool; please re-download the latest copy of the TCO tool from the above link.  This link will always host the most current version of the tool.  http://www.path.org/publications/detail.php?i=2576  

Recently we have been asked how the pricing logic works in the TCO tool.  The unit pricing logic flow is below:

  • 1st UNICEF LTA pricing for CCE - volume discounts are considered in the "Total Solutions Cost" tabs (dark green) when users indicate the number of facilities to equip and storage needs.
  • 2nd UNCEF Supply Division Catalogue - CCE pricing from the online catalogue will be used if LTA pricing is not available.
  • 3rd PQS product sheet pricing - if not pricing is available from UNICEF, the price from the PQS product sheet is used. 

Also, spare parts are now calculated using the Spare Part Kits from the UNICEF Supply Division catalogue.  Each kit is designed to support 10 units of a CCE model for 5 years of operation, as designated by suppliers.  Additional parts are still available for calculations and can be added by model in the "Technology" tabs (orange).

5 years ago

Dear all,

One more note, we now have a refreshed PATH website and therefore a new link for the TCO tool. https://www.path.org/resources/total-cost-of-ownership-tool-for-cold-chain-equipment/  (the old link still works as well)

Also please note the latest version of the TCO tool is 1.5.1 for the English and French versions. 


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