Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Guide and Workbook for Conducting a Situation Analysis of Immunization Programme Performance
Purpose This guide aims to enable national immunization programmes to use existing information sources to identify and prioritise critical programme barriers, while also highlighting programme successes. It also identifies evidence gaps which must be addressed before implementing programme improvements.
Content The guide and the workbook provide a detailed step-by-step guidance for conducting and documenting the evidence for a situation analysis. There are four essential steps which can be divided into a desk review component (steps 1-3) and prioritisation component (step 4). The four steps are summarised below:
1. Gather relevant information sources to serve as the evidence base for the assessment exercise.
2. Complete a quick overview of immunization coverage and equity in order to produce a more holistic picture of the immunization country context.
3. Collect and document evidence for various lines of enquiry, grouping the resulting list as per the seven EPI categories.
4. Prioritise the barriers identified in Step 3 within the local context. Guiding questions are provided to facilitate the prioritisation process to determine the relative importance of each barrier.
Expected outcomes If conducted properly, the four-step process should yield a clear and credible list of barriers, each supported by documented evidence that is cited and easy to locate. A list of potential barriers for which evidence is lacking can also be generated to guide further research and data collection activities. Moreover, in the cases where evidence suggested that there is no barrier, the option exists to explore further the immunization programme’s strengths. The Excel Workbook provides more detailed guidance about these additional options.
Strengths (a) The user friendly workbook allows the user to document the available evidence and identify gaps.
b) Detailed long list of lines of equity based on the 7 EPI categories is provided allowing the user to think of strengths and barriers at a more granular level.
c) Additional features available, such as identifying strengths and gaps."
Contraints/Limitations It is important to note that during this situation analysis, there is no primary data collection. The absence of primary data collection during this situation analysis could make it difficult to tease out the root cause(s) of issues that affect optimal coverage.
Why use it Collecting and systematically documenting evidence during a situation analysis is a valuable investment of time. Once completed, the review reduces the time needed to report on successes and barriers in consecutive assessments.
Who should use it As this review relies on information in already existing resources, it can be used by a wide range of planners and partners.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/guidance/guide-and-workbook-for-conducting-a-situation-analysis-of-immunization-programme-performance