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Resource | WHO guideline on health policy and system support to optimize CHW programs |
Purpose | Assists national governments, national and international partners to improve the design, implementation, performance, and evaluation of CHW programmes, contributing to the progressive achievement of universal health coverage. |
Content | (a) Guidance on CHW selection, education, continuing training, linkage with other health workers, management, supervision, performance enhancement, incentives, remuneration, governance, health system integration and community embeddedness; (b) Identifies relevant contextual elements and implementation and evaluation considerations at the policy and system levels; (c) Tools to support the planning and implementation of CHW programmes; and (d) Identification of priority evidence gaps to be addressed through further research. |
Expected outcomes | Has a potential to contribute to the reduction of inequities by strengthening the competencies, motivation, performance, and management of CHWs. |
Strengths | Based on a systematic review of published evidence for effectiveness of CHW programmes, and therefore provides a good international evidence base for development of CHW policies and human resource strategies. |
Contraints/Limitations | The existence of overlapping terminology in the literature for CHWs (such as “lay health workers”, “front-line health workers”, “close-to-community providers”), as well as widely differing policies relating to scope of practice, education, and relation with health systems, have contributed to undermining efforts to strengthen service delivery systems at community level. Most of the recommendations are based on low and very low certainty of evidence, pointing to the need for additional documentation. |
Why use it | (a) CHWs and other types of community-based health workers are effective in the delivery of a range of preventive, promotive and curative health services, and that they can contribute to reducing inequities in access to care. (b)Addressing health workforce shortage, maldistribution and performance challenges is essential for progress towards all health-related goals, including universal health coverage. (c) The potential of community health workers (CHWs) should be utilised as part of broader efforts to strengthen PHC and the health workforce more generally. (d) Zero Dose and under-immunised - There is growing recognition that CHWs and other types of community-based health workers are effective in the delivery of a range of preventive, promotive and curative health services, and that they can contribute to reducing inequities in access to care. |
Who should use it | The primary target audience is policy-makers, planners and managers responsible for health workforce policy and planning at national and local levels. Secondary target audiences include development partners, funding agencies, global health initiatives, donor contractors, researchers, CHW organizations, CHWs themselves, civil society organizations and community stakeholders. |
Additional Links | |
Link to access the resource | /en/resources/guidance/who-guideline-on-health-policy-and-system-support-to-optimize-chw-programs |