Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Guide to Tailoring Immunization Programs (TIP)
Purpose To propose targeted solutions and interventions for improving coverage in specific sub population groups through evidence-based and participatory methodologies for understanding barriers to immunisation uptake.
Content Content includes overview of approach, the detailed steps of process for the three main areas of TIP (identifying susceptible groups, determining barriers and drivers, designing interventions based on evidence).
Expected outcomes Improved coverage and improved equity in coverage between social groups or geographic areas. Through involvement of stakeholders, TIP can also improve community participation and ownership in health services.
Strengths Participatory approach, involving a wide range of stakeholders to enable deeper understanding of barriers to immunisation for particular social groups or geographic areas. Enables more specific tailoring of services for these populations, while improving ownership and accountability of the tailored solution.
Contraints/Limitations EURO’s TIP is seen to be very resource intensive, with the recommendation being to budget a dedicated consultant to move the process forward. TIP is being updated for global use, with more considerations given for how to apply it in resource-constrained environments.
Why use it (a) Reasons for low immunisation coverage are complex and context specific. Social and behavioural studies and engagement of stakeholders can help to understand problems and tailor solutions according to local barriers.
(b) Of high relevance to zero dose/under immunised populations, as the approach is applied where there is low or declining or there are vaccine preventable diseases in specific sub population groups or geographic areas.
Who should use it Usually led and implemented by national (or subnational) health authorities including immunization programme, with a wide range of stakeholders engaged in implementation of interventions.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/guidance/guide-to-tailoring-immunization-programs-tip