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Resource | Accelerating policy, deployment, and access to new and underutilized vaccines in developing countries |
Purpose | To support evidence-based decisions on the introduction of new and underutilized vaccines. |
Content | This article proposes a framework for making evidenced-based decisions on the introduction of new and underutilized vaccines. It also highlights the experience of rubella and CRS elimination in the Americas as an innovative strategy to ensure rapid uptake of a vaccine to provide timely protection and more rapid prevention of disease, after the decision to introduce the vaccine has been reached. The target audience are country-level decision-makers in health or government sectors, NITAGs, immunization programme managers. |
Example criteria this resource could address | Relating to programmatic suitability and health impact. |
Additional Links |
Link to access the resource | /en/resources/journal-article/accelerating-policy-deployment-and-access-to-new-and-underutilized-vaccines-in-developing-countries |