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Resource | WHO Data, statistics, and graphics, WHO VPD Monitoring System |
Purpose | Provides country profile information on the latest immunization schedule, coverage and vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) incidence as well as updated immunization data about immunisation systems performance. |
Content | Each country profile contains the following: Updated demographic and development data, numbers of reported VPD cases, coverage (administrative data and WHO UNICEF estimates), immunization schedule, immunization indicators (planning & management, safety, finance, system performance, NITAG). |
Expected outcomes | •Each country profile contains the following: Updated demographic and development data, numbers of reported VPD cases, coverage (administrative data and WHO UNICEF estimates), immunization schedule, immunization indicators (planning & management, safety, finance, system performance, NITAG). (a) Regular updates are available on country coverage, disease incidence, and system performance. (b) WUENIC estimates are used to monitor and compare the performance of immunization programs at the national, regional, and international levels in a standardized way. |
Use | Does not require user input. Data is available |
Strengths | Consistent method globally by which to report on and monitor country coverage, disease incidence, and system performance at country and global levels. |
Contraints/Limitations | (a) The quality of data can vary between countries. (b) In some countries, there are wide divergences between administrative data and WHO UNICEF estimates. (c) In some countries, there are wide time gaps between population-based surveys. |
Why use it | (a) To examine trends in coverage and disease incidence. (b) To examine trends in immunization indicators. (c) For latest programme information. |
Who should use it | (a) Planners and policy makers at national and international levels. (b) Country managers of immunization programmes. |
Example criteria this resource could address | •Can extract data on coverage through out the years, for different vaccines. •Equity data on district coverage, and for certain years also information for coverage on the second sub-national level. •Examine latest programme information. |
Additional Links | |
Link to access the resource | /en/resources/datasheet/who-data-statistics-and-graphics-who-vpd-monitoring-system |