
MCV 5-dose Vial Switch Assessment Tool

More and more countries are making the decision to switch from 10-dose to 5-dose Measels Containing Vaccine (MCV) vials as an opportunity to reduce missed opportunities for vaccination in routine immunization. The simple switch in vial presentation has been proven to improve vaccination coverage while significantly reducing vaccine dose wastage. The process to switch is low-effort; countries need to determine the right time to transition, establish the justification, assess cold storage, and provide a 2-page implementation plan. Use the MCV 5-dose Switch Assessment Tool to help!

The MCV 5-dose assessment tool is a simple model for assessing and comparing the programmatic, financial, and logistical trade-offs between 5-dose and 10-dose MCV vials. It aims to help country-level decision-makers compare Measles and MR products and estimate the impact of switching from 10-dose to 5-dose vials on coverage, total systems cost, and cold chain requirements. Any country interested in comparing MCV 10-dose and 5-dose products can use the tool, which is available in English and French. 



  • English
  • French

Publication year





  • Vaccines & delivery devices


  • Measles