Mercredi 8 Avril 2020
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The Global Fund and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance have published new guidance for countries planning the selection, acquisition and deployment of new logistics management information system (LMIS) software. The guidance identifies off-the-shelf applications and service providers meeting global standards and common requirements for health supply chain LMIS that are appropriate in challenging and resource-constrained environments:

  • Global Fund: Country Guidance on Selecting Logistics Management Information System
  • Download in English | Français
  • Gavi: Country guidance on selecting Logistics Management Information Systems 
  • Download in English French

In 2019, the Global Fund and Gavi issued a joint request for information for an off-the-shelf LMIS software and service provider to support most supply chain functions and enable end-to-end visibility. The purpose of the request for information was to identify a group of qualified LMIS software and service providers that Gavi; the Global Fund; or other funding, donor or technical assistance agencies can recommend to countries seeking a new LMIS.

The request resulted in more than 20 responses which were reviewed by a Technical Evaluation Committee comprising experts from the Global Fund, Gavi, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNDP and USAID. Seven software solutions and service providers were fully or mostly qualified to support visibility from the central/national storage level to the health facility level. They include proven open-source applications as well as commercial products that come with either software licensing or software as a service (SaaS) agreements.

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