Mercredi 16 Novembre 2022
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Dear Colleagues, 

From Nov 30 to Dec 2, 2022, the USAID MTaPS Program will join the Global Health Supply Chain Summit (GHSCS) in Dakar, Senegal ( ), first launched in 2008 to convene government, NGO, international organization, bi-lateral and multi-lateral agency, academic, and practitioners stakeholders. The two-day event aims to create a forum for sharing of supply chain challenges, solutions, and best practices, to influence the research agenda of academics from leading institutions worldwide around relevant healthcare supply chain issues, and to create a community of healthcare supply chain thinkers, funders, policy makers, academics, and practitioners.

Register for FREE ) to join us for our in-person Satellite session in Dakar, Pharmaceutical Systems Strengthening Skills Workshop, Dec 1, 2022 | 5:15 – 7:15 pm (GMT)

Equitable and timely access to quality pharmaceutical products is indispensable for maximizing health outcomes. Access to related services that promote appropriate and cost-effective use of these products is just as critical. Many of the challenges we face in supporting countries to ensure a population’s access to and appropriate use of medicines and services, particularly in the context of universal health coverage and the health-related SDGs, require pharmaceutical systems strengthening approaches. Better understanding of how to strengthen national pharmaceutical systems will help make supply chains more efficient and responsive, improving the availability of the quality medicines and contributing to improved health outcomes. The skills workshop will session will:
* Discuss a systematic approach to pharmaceutical systems strengthening and its importance to health supply chains
* Examine selected pharmaceutical systems strengthening tools and consider how their application can help make supply chains more efficient and responsive
I am excited to be facilitating this session, with Tamara Hafner, ( ) PhD, Principal Technical Advisor—Research, both of the USAID MTaPS Program.
We would love to see you there….

Kind regards,

Andrew Brown MTaPS (MSH)


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