Mercredi 6 Mai 2015
  1 réponses
  11.8K visites

PATH wants to better understand how immunization program managers, procurement officers, and other immunization experts view the tradeoffs between liquid and lyophilized presentations ofrotavirus vaccine for use in different settings. To gather feedback from those most knowledgeable about this topic, we’ve designed a short (15 min) online survey. The results of this survey will inform dialogue with vaccine manufacturers and other stakeholders as we work to advance rotavirus vaccine presentations that will best meet the requirements of immunization programs.

We are especially interested in hearing from immunization program staff at the country level. We hope you will take a minute to share your input as we seek greater clarity on this interesting topic!

Best regards,

Sarah McGray

9 years ago

Based on the accumulated experience of vaccination service delivery in developing countries, the WHO Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) determined that all-liquid vaccine presentations are generally preferable over lyophilized products. Therationale for this preference is to reducethe risk of prgrammatic error, to eliminate the need for a mixing syringe, and thus to reduce the waste disposal volume and overall costs. This preference was incorporated into the guidelines for the WHO vaccine prequalification process. WHO-prequalified products must include characteristics that comply with Programmatic Suitability for Vaccine Pre-Qualification (PSPQ), revised in 2014. One of the critical characteristics for PSPQ is that vaccines should be in all-liquid presentation.

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