Vendredi 30 Septembre 2022
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PATH IDEAL and TechNet-21 are happy to invite you for a webinar on "Digital transformation journey of the national immunization information system in Vietnam". 

Digital health innovations are changing the way health is delivered worldwide, improving the health equity and accessibility, and accelerating the overall global attainment of health. It has become the inevitable way in our generation and the future to come. However, many digital health innovations do not advance beyond the pilot stage to become institutionalized within health systems. The Vietnam National Immunization Information System (NIIS) has thus proven to stand the test of time and adversity throughout the 12-year journey of digital transformation from the paper-based system. The system journey was certainly not without difficulties, challenges, and even failures at time, and PATH is honored to accompany Vietnam National Expanded Program on Immunization (NEPI) along this past decade from the mere cradle of VaxTrak (for vaccine and stock tracking and management) and ImmReg (electronic immunization registry) throughout their pilots, integration into the one comprehensive NIIS, more pilot, adaptation, improvement, upgrades, nationwide scale-up, and transition to electronic reporting. The system journey continues as the country is striving to complete electronic reporting consistently in all 63 provinces in Vietnam.

In this webinar, PATH would like to share experiences and lessons learnt on EIR implementation in Vietnam to other countries in the region focusing on the phases of nationwide scale-up and paperless transition.

- Dang Thi Thanh Huyen, MD, PhD, Vietnam National Expanded Program on Immunization
- Dao Dinh Sang, MPH, IDEAL Team Lead, PATH

=Nguyen Tuyet Nga, MD, PhD, SE Asia Hub Director, PATH

When: 6 Oct., 2pm UTC, 9pm ICT 



2 years ago
Dear colleagues, 

Thank you for joining IDEAL Viet Nam and TechNet-21 on Thursday 6 October, for the webinar on:"Digital transformation journey of the national immunization information system in Vietnam."

Below the links to the session materials, feel free to share with other colleagues who might benefit from them.  

Feel free to visit the IDEAL project webpage, where you can find the documentation of the project:

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