Samedi 2 Juin 2007
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OST 00101E : VVM ANNIVERSARY 2 June 2007 __________________________________ NOTE : I will be away for about one week in remote areas, and may not have access to Internet. Consequently, TechNet may be silent for some time. I have to use Webmail today and no function to insert links. So all links will appear in the text in full, as before. __________________________________ WHO celebrates 10-year anniversary of VVM implementation Vaccine vial monitors (VVM) were introduced in 1996 through UN procurement agencies. The VVMs serve primarily to warn health workers when the cumulative heat exposure of a vial of vaccine has exceeded a pre-set limit, beyond which the vaccine should not be used. In addition, changes in the appearance of the VVM before this limit is reached will serve to guide health workers to first use more exposed vials of vaccines. Thus, the VVMs have ensured that the administered vaccine has not been damaged by heat, saved money through reduced vaccine wastage, facilitated immunization outreach services and helped to effectively manage vaccine stocks. Today, all vaccines (with a couple of exceptions) come with VVMs through UN procurement agencies. There is also a 20-year development history behind this successful implementation. In order to mark the 10 years of successful implementation of VVMs and to acknowledge the efforts put into this device by individuals, organizations, institutions and manufacturers, a celebration event took place in Geneva on 3 May 2007. Following this event, a similar event will be organized in the USA as part of the Global Health Council - Partnerships Working Together conference on 29 May-1 June 2007 hosted by PATH, along with another event in India later this year. With the event, WHO and UNICEF announced a new policy statement ( ... t_2007.pdf , 810K) focusing on the future of VVM, urging Member States to include VVMs in all tender documents, as well as urging donors to adopt a donation policy for inclusion of VVMs in all vaccine donations. The event brought together around 120 representatives from diplomatic missions to the UN, countries, vaccine manufacturers, public sector agencies, donors and individuals. The celebration event was chaired by Ms Daisy Mafubelu, Assistant Director-General, Family and Community Health. Following the opening remarks by Ms Mafubelu, the video "Five Senses" video, shot in Viet Nam, Niger and Indonesia early this year, was shown. The film focuses on how VVM helps countries to reach more children by simply relying on the effective use of VVMs (directed by Umit Kivanc). The story of the FIVE SENSES video can be downloaded from Following the movie four speakers gave a brief history of VVMs: Debbie Kristensen from PATH focused on the problem definition that emerged from VVM development (1979-1989); Ted Prusik from Temptime Corporation talked on the solution, the VVM; Dario Cresci from Novartis brought the industry response in implementing VVMs and how the challenges were handled in applying the monitor on vials; and Mercy Ahun from GAVI talked on the field benefits. To acknowledge the efforts put into this tool, WHO distributed recognition certificates to countries, organizations, agencies, and individuals for their contribution to development and early implementation of VVMs (see the full list of recipients at : A photo exhibition entitled Five Senses by Umit Kartoglu, Jean-Marc Giboux, Philippe Blanc and Gencer Yurttas on the use of VVMs in the field was opened in the main entrance of the main building from 3-11 May. Clicking here, you can view the press release and a photo essay on VVM use. For the Geneva event, Ãœmit Kartoglu talked to John Lloyd, Michel Zaffran, Peter Evans, Julie Milstien and Dario Cresci on VVM history. Lloyd, Zaffran, Evans and Milstien worked together in WHO HQ on VVM during its early development stages as well as its implementation. Cresci was on the other side of the table - the industry. In 2001, Kartoglu joined the team, but after the departure of Lloyd and Evans from WHO. The following interviews bring interesting stories to daylight. When Kartoglu asked what was next, Lloyd, Zaffran, Evans, Milstien and Cresci all stressed the same point: using VVM to allow immunization programmes to exploit the stability of each vaccine. To use it to the greatest possible extent to minimizing distribution costs, and increasing flexibility in the handling of vaccines in the field, thus helping to make operations more effective. They all agreed that the mission is now reducing the dependency on the cold chain. VVM is seen as the answer to this challenge. To read these interviews click on the corresponding links below. Umit Kartoglu ______________________________________________________________________________ All members of the TechNet21 e-Forum are invited to send comments on any posting or to use the forum to raise a new discussion or request technical information in relation to immunization services. The comments made in this forum are the sole responsibility of the writers and do not in any way mean that they are endorsed by any of the organizations and agencies to which the authors may belong. ______________________________________________________________________________ Visit the TECHNET21 Website at You will find instructions to subscribe, a direct access to archives, links to reference documents and other features. ______________________________________________________________________________ To UNSUBSCRIBE, send a message to : mailto:[email protected] Leave the subject area BLANK In the message body, write unsubscribe TECHNET21E ______________________________________________________________________________ The World Health Organization and UNICEF support TechNet21. The TechNet21 e-Forum is a communication/information tool for generation of ideas on how to improve immunization services. It is moderated by Claude Letarte and is hosted in cooperation with the Centre de coopération internationale en santé et développement, Québec, Canada (
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