Jeudi 19 Octobre 2000
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Post00289 TECHNOLOGIES FOR 21ST CENTURY 19 October 2000 CONTENTS 1. TECHNOLOGIES FOR 21ST CENTURY PAPER 2. SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Moderators Note: In Post00286, TECHNET SURVEY, on 12 October 2000, A Technet Survey website link and form was posted. * If you have already replied by email or on web: Thank you for your inputs! * If Technet is important to you, please take some time to answer to complete questionnaire at following web address: Or use your reply button fill in form below in your email program. Thanks and regards, allan ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. TECHNOLOGIES FOR 21ST CENTURY PAPER John Lloyd, PATH/CVP, prepared this paper before leaving WHO for Childrens Vaccine Program. Since then John has revised it to factor in comments from colleagues and organizations with an interest in future of immunization services. John, has kindly shared his vision with Technet Forum. * potential of new technologies and technologies in development for enabling a radical change in management, operation, quality and safety of immunization programs in near future is inestimable. John discusses technologies and their likely impacts. Extracts are posted below. Get file and read whole paper. Contributions, comments and additions please: [log in to unmask] or use your reply button ___________________________________________________________________________ From: [log in to unmask] Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 Subject: Technologies for 21st century paper I attach latest, and hopefully last draft of this aging paper, including recent comments. All best, John ___________________________________________________________________________ The file is available for download: To get file on web go to: then click on file: TechnologiesFor21stCenturyFinalDraft.PDF To get file by email: Send an email to: [log in to unmask] with message: get technet TechnologiesFor21stCenturyFinalDraft.PDF To get the free Adobe Acrobat Reader go to: ___________________________________________________________________________ Extracts: 1. Vision scope of this vision of future change is limited to technologies of vaccine delivery in developing countries during next ten, or so, years. vision of change is driven principally by need to transform today's delivery system to be more equitable, safer and more efficient. 21st century brings us reformed health systems that better integrate preventive and curative services, new multi-valent vaccines and technologies for safer administration and simpler distribution. We can now envision a vaccine delivery system that does not require refrigeration, is closely integrated with delivery of drugs, utilises safe, pre-filled injection devices containing single doses of thermostable vaccines and processes waste at point of use without harm to environment. rationale for investing in these changes in technology lies firstly, in conviction that they will help to achieve universal coverage with high quality immunization services. Secondly, probable consequences of introducing new vaccines, while attempting to maintain current delivery system, might include : * Immunization coverage will remain low in hard-to-reach areas * Wastage of high-cost vaccine in traditional multi-dose presentation * Public demand for new vaccines depressed by fears of injection safety * Cost and managerial burden of cold chain no longer borne by governments or donor partners 2. Strategy strategy to transform vaccine delivery systems is aimed at three critical success factors for immunization services in next century: * Equity in access to new vaccines * Safety of vaccine administration * Simplicity & efficiency of vaccine delivery These factors can be significantly impacted by application of new technologies and their associated training and management systems. These new technologies may be applied in three concurrent phases with following objectives: * Safer multi-dose vaccine delivery * including waste disposal technologies * Mono-dose, pre-filled injection devices * Thermo-stable vaccines delivered in same way as drugs 3 Technologies Technologies not only enable change, but they can also catalyse change by focussing changes of behaviour on visible, tangible difference. rationale, status and prospects for five key, new technologies are discussed here: * Auto-disable syringes and safety boxes * Mono-dose, pre-filled injection devices * Needle-free injections * Point-of-use sharps processing * Thermostable vaccines and Vaccine Vial Monitors 4 Timetable & milestones Each technology passes through four phases of research and development, product launch, market development and post market monitoring. ___________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents Technologies for vaccine delivery in 21st century 1 Vision 1 2 Strategy 2 3 Technologies 3 3.1 Auto-disable syringes & safety boxes 3 3.1.1 Rationale 3 3.1.2 Status 3 3.1.3 Prospects 4 3.2 Point-of-use sharps processing technologies 6 3.2.1 Rationale 6 3.2.2 Status 6 3.2.3 Prospects 7 3.3 Mono-dose, pre-filled injection devices 7 Rationale 7 3.3.2 Status 8 3.3.3 Prospects 8 3.4 Needle-free injections 9 3.4.1 Rationale 9 Status 9 3.4.3 Prospects 10 3.5 Thermostable vaccines and Vaccine Vial Monitors 10 3.5.1 Rationale 11 3.5.2 Status 12 3.5.3 Prospects 14 4 Timetable & milestones 16 ____________________________________*______________________________________ 2. SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE For TECHNET Forum subscribers who do not have reasonable web access we post same questionnaire is posted below. Please click on your reply button, then fill in questionnaire, and then send it. moderator will forward your responses. ___________________________________________________________________________ Technet member name: * Enter response here >>> I. We see Technet?s role in 2 main areas : Defining and implementing technical agenda for logistics of immunization programmes, and for primary health programmes generally; Building and maintaining a network of expertise for dissemination and exchange of technical information and discussion of policies, products, activities and ideas; Do you agree with this ? Yes/No >>> Any other MAIN areas ? (if yes, please specify) * Enter response here >>> II. We see two possible ways to develop a framework for Technet. Which do you prefer? 1.Building on priorities and recommendations from previous meetings 2. Coalescing around implementation of specific initiatives * Enter response here >>> Any other suggestions ? * Enter response here >>> III. We see as a major need identification of new experts in --immunization management --communications --infection control (injection safety) Can you provide us with names and co-ordinates of at least one expert immediately? * Enter response here >>> IV. Which of following options do you prefer for Technet Forum? 1. Continue as it is with no change 2. Discontinue 3. Continue but change in following way * Enter response here >>> * For further information please send an email to [log in to unmask] ____________________________________*______________________________________
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