Follow-up on Posts 00433E and 00441E
3 April 2002
�mit Kartoglu further contributes on the topic of
VVM use for measles vaccine.
I am very pleased to see the interest in the use of VVMs on all vaccines. I
am currently in Vietnam to assist in the evaluation of the study and to
conduct qualitative assessments with groups involved in the measles
campaign (study and control groups). I hope to release the results soon
after clearance by national authorities.
Behavior of measles VVM
There are four types of VVMs as described in the latest specifications
(E6/IN5 dated 25 March 2002). Their reaction times vary depending on the
category. VVMs are assigned by WHO based on the stability data provided by
the vaccine manufacturers. All VVMs for OPV are VVM2 type meaning that if
kept at 37oC, they reach their discard point in 24 hours (2 days). VVM for
measles used in Vietnam measles campaign were from Chiron Italy and VVM7
type were attached (7 days to end point at 37oC). This means VVMs on
different vaccines will behave differently. However, as indicated in Femi's
message, VVM change color faster at higher temperatures, because this is
the whole purpose of it, VVM is like a data logger attached to a vial
recording the heat exposure.
As for the "stretching" the chain as we use to do for OPV with VVMs (fast
chain), we have to consider the differences in presentations. Measles as
all other freeze-dried vaccines need ICE following reconstitution to be
kept on. In this regard, use of measles vaccine with VVMs in areas with no
cold chain or very weak cold chain becomes quite tricky and requires very
good level of supervision.
VVM reaction rates by category of heat stability is shown in the following
table (reproduced from the "Specifications for Vaccine Vial Monitor -
E6/IN5, 25 March 2002):
VVM type 37oC 25oC 5oC
VVM30 30days 193days >4years
VVM14 14days 90days >3years
VVM7 7days 45days >2years
VVM2 2days NA 225 days