Dimanche 19 Mai 2002
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POST 00453E : FREEZE WATCH ACTIVATION PROBLEM Follow-up on Post 00430E 19 May 2002 ________________________________________________________ Moderator's message The Technet Forum is constantly growing. I am pleased to inform you all that this week we crossed the 1000-member mark. This number compares to 505 members at the beginning of November 2001. It is a growth of almost 100%. So a warm welcome to all new members and thank you all. Claude Letarte, m.d. _________________________________________________________ Dr. Birhan Altay, Chief, Control of Biological Products & Logistics Management at the Ministry of Health in Ankara, Turkey is reporting some problems of undue activation of "FreezeWatch" indicators. _________________________________________________________ During the Q-tag field study (see TechNet21 posting POST00430E - A NEW TIME TEMPERATURE INDICATOR -- Q-tag of 24 February 2002) we have observed unexpected activation of freeze indicators (FreezeWatch) that could not be explained. I would like to hear whether anyone has any explanation to this. Also, it would be good to find out if there had been similar problems observed in other countries. "FreezeWatch" (both 9800 and 9805 models) are used in our Q-tag field study at all levels of transportation along with other temperature monitoring devices. In two cases at different locations, a total of 4 "FreezeWatch" from the same lot (type 9805) were activated at 4ºC in the refrigerators. Refrigerator temperature is confirmed with electronic temperature logger readings. Another incident occurred in another location, but this time at room temperature (20ºC). Six "FreezeWatch" (type 9805) that were sent for the study were found activated the next day while stored on the shelf. The room is conditioned at 20ºC and this is confirmed again with electronic temperature logger readings. Freeze indicators in the room were not exposed to any physical force that could have been the only logical explanation for them being cracked. Thanks and regards, Dr. Birhan Altay ___________________________________________________ Moderator's note : "FreezeWatch" model (record number 9805) is also known as 0ºC model (PIS code E6/45) which bursts and releases blue liquid, staining the white backing card if the indicator is exposed to temperatures below 0ºC for more than an hour. The previous model (record number 9800 and PIS code E6/14) with red liquid bursts at -4.5ºC. ________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- CONTRIBUTIONS: Contributions to: or use your reply button! The TechNet21 e-Forum welcomes new subscribers who are involved in immunization services. SUBCRIBE: To subscribe, send an e-mail to: Leave the SUBJECT area BLANK, do not type anything. In the body text, just write: Subscribe TECHNET21E Surname Name Do not use any accents in your name and surname. UNSUBSCRIBE: To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to: Leave the SUBJECT area BLANK, do not type anything. In the body text, just write: Unsubscribe TECHNET21E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ARCHIVES New archives of posted messages starting with 1 November 2001 is accessible to all TechNet21 subscribers. To view the archives: http://listes.ulaval.ca/listserv/archives/technet21e.html Archives for postings between 17 August 1998 and 31 October 2001 can be found at the following web site for download starting 1 December 2001. http://www.who.int/vaccines-access/Vaccines/Vaccine_Cold_Chain/Technet Archives for files (documents) are under revision to clean old documents and drafts that are already replaced with new ones, and will be made available soon at the same site. http://www.who.int/vaccines-access/Vaccines/Vaccine_Cold_Chain/Technet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The World Health Organization and UNICEF support TechNet21. The TechNet21 e-Forum is a communication/information tool for generation of ideas on how to improve immunization services. It is moderated by Claude Letarte and is hosted in cooperation with the Centre de coopération internationale en santé et développement, Québec, Canada (http://www.ccisd.org) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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