République Dominicaine
9 December 2006
We are sending you six documents of great interest on the polio
situation in the world. We are again thanking Robert Davis and Evelyn
Chege who sent them in Tech Updates.
To evaluate potential consequences of a reintroduction of poliovirus
and resulting epidemic outbreaks, authors have simulated different
post-eradication conditions to develop a dynamic disease transmission
model, on the basis of outbreak models in Albania, the Netherlands
and the Dominican Republic.
(165K before encoding)
India is one of countries where polio eradication is facing major
challenges particularly in the states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The
presentation below "Polio Elimination in India", by Dr Nicholas
Grassly, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial
College, in London, England, was recently presented at the meeting of
the Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis Eradication in Geneva, and
will soon be published in the journal "Science". Grassly analyzes the
problem of persistence of wild polio virus transmission in that
country, and supports the strategy of using monovalent vaccines that
could eliminate polio in India if coverage is maintained.
http://www.techNet21.org/PolioModellingIndiaOct-2006.ppt (760K before encoding)
The British Medical Journal also recently published (25 November) a
short news article on the same topic : "
WHO is to change its polio programme in India to try to eradicate the
disease " by
Claire Frauenfelder
The report summary below is that of a meeting at the National
Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, United States. Earlier
this year, possible use of inactivated polio vaccine in the final
phase of eradication was discussed. Even if the meeting only
recommended to assess that potential in an urgent manner, in an
Indian setting, I wish to express my skepticism towards this
prospect, on a purely personal basis. It is for you to make your own
For those who haven't seen them :
Conclusions and recommandations of the Advisory Committee on
Poliomyelitis Eradication (Part I), concerning the interruption of
wild poliovirus transmission and prevention of international spread.
Conclusions and recommandations of the Advisory Committee on
Poliomyelitis Eradication (Part II), concerning the eventual global
cessation of routine immunization with oral polio vaccine.
Concerning Nigeria, encouraging news are coming from this country
that you can find in the following presentation, "Nigeria Update :
Epidemiology of Wild Poliovirus" of 24 Novembre (anonymous). This
presentation tends to demonstrate that the tide may have turned in
Nigeria. Since July 2006 indeed, the number of reported cases is
lower than that of corresponding months of 2005, but it is still too
early to draw conclusions.
http://www.technet21.org/NigeriaPolioStatistics.ppt (1MB before encoding)
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