3 February 2007
As many of you probably know already, WHO has
announced officially on January 19, 2007, that
the goal of measles mortality reduction by 2005
has been well achieved. We should all be proud,
especially for Africa. According to authors,
"Africa achieved the largest total reduction,
contributing 72% of the global reduction in
measles mortality". For those interested in more
details, please visit WHO pages at :
Now the world moves on to the next goal, a 90%
reduction of measles deaths by 2010.
You will find below some material of interest on
measles. As this means a good deal of reading, I will limit my own comments.
We thank Diana Chang Blanc
[email protected]), Evelyn Chege
[email protected]) and Robert Davis
[email protected]) for their input to this posting.
The article below is the fundamental material
upon which WHO has based its claim that the goal
for 2005 has been achieved. It was officially
published in "The Lancet" just the day after the announcement.
"Has the 2005 measles mortality reduction goal
been achieved? A natural history modelling study"
by Dr Lara J Wolfson PhD, Peter M Strebel MBChB,
Marta Gacic-Dobo BS, Edward J Hoekstra
MD, Jeffrey W McFarland MD and Bradley S Hersh
MD, for the Measles Initiative ; The Lancet,
Volume 369, Number 9557, 20 January 2007
(Registration required, but free)
"Global measles elimination" by William J. Moss
and Diane E. Griffin ; Nature, vol.4 , December 2006
Excellent article with a review of the virus, the
disease and its epidemiology, nicely illustrated.
"Exploring the time to intervene with a reactive
mass immunization campaign in measles epidemics"
by R.F. Grais, X. de Radiguès, C. Dubray, F.
Fermon and P.J. Guerin ; Epidemiology and
Infections, vol. 134, issue 4, August 2006
From their experience in Kinshasa and Niamey,
authors challenge the widely-held view that mass
immunization is unjustified once an epidemics has started.
"Framework for National Plan of Measles
Elimination in China, 2006-2012" downloadable
from :
This is an example of a rather well-designed
planning document. The document highlights the
challenge faced by China in particular, but also
the Western Pacific region as a whole.
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The World Health Organization and UNICEF support TechNet21. The TechNet21 e-Forum is a communication/information tool for generation of ideas on how to improve immunization services. It is moderated by Claude Letarte and is hosted in cooperation with the Centre de coopération internationale en santé et développement, Québec, Canada (