Follow-up on Post
9 May 2007
Alejo Bejemino (mailto:[email protected])
from the Philippines, formerly with
UNICEF/Pakistan, sends these comments on the new vaccine refrigerator.
I strongly support the new approach of
non-adjustable thermostat to protect freeze
sensitive vaccines from freezing temperature.
Hope that other vaccine refrigerator
manufacturers who had their units used in the
field will also develop a non-adjustable
thermostat to suit the refrigeration system of
their units. There are thousands of refrigeration
units (of different manufacturers) in the field
that can still put the freeze sensitive vaccines at risk.
I think there is no need for a heating element to
protect vaccines in freezing climates provided that;
a) the refrigeration system is designed to attain
a storage temperature of +2°C to +8°C
b) the refrigeration storage compartment is made
of very good insulation material that will
prevent the ambient low temperature to affect the
inside storage temperature. With the heating
element, there is a possibility to untimely
defrost the unit and result to a vaccine storage
temperature higher than the desirable level.
The min-max temperature display may help alert
the user when the vaccine storage temperature is
out of +2° to +8° Celsius range. It will be more
useful if it also indicates the duration for
which the vaccines were exposed to a temperature outside the +2° to +8° range.
Alejo H. Bejemino
Former Cold Chain Officer, UNICEF-Pakistan
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