Jeudi 8 Janvier 2009
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POST 01370E: IMMUNIZATION FINANCING 8 JANUARY 2009 ****************************************** The following information appeared in the Global Immunization News dated GIN: 20/11/08 and was contributed by Patrick Lydon & Daniela Darie, WHO/HQ. The information is being sent out as a separate post since not all TechNet21 readers may have accessed it. Over the course of 2008, major developments have been made to the WHO Immunization Financing website: These updates are going live at the end of November 2008. The major new features of interest are: • A cMYP immunization financing database that is populated with country level data generated through the costing and financing sections of national multi-year plans for immunization (cMYP). To consult the database please go to: [[email protected]][email protected][/email] ([[email protected]][email protected][/email]) (subject: request for an ifdb password) • Development of cMYP country pages that provide a summary of key information and indicators of interest that are included in individual country strategic 5 year plans for immunization. These pages offer the possibility to download the complete national multi-year plan for immunization (cMYP) and costing tool. To consult the cMYP country pages please go to: • A new section on immunization financing indicators available from 3 separate sources of information: the WHO and UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF) for all member states; the FSPs; and the cMYP immunization financing databases for a limited set of low and lower middle income countries. • New monitoring updates from the WHO-UNICEF annual monitoring system linked to immunization financing and planning indicators, including maps, tables and charts. Post generated using Mail2Forum (
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