Mercredi 11 Février 2009
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POST 01388E: SUPPORTIVE SUPERVISION IN INDIA FOLLOW-UP ON POST 01386E 11 FEBRUARY 2009 ****************************************** Though the article referred to by James Cheyne has already been posted on the forum (see POST 01252E) I am reposting it since it has relevance in the context of the discussion. -------- Thank you for posting the very interesting article on supportive supervision in India. Similar work was done in Andhra Pradesh in 2003 and 2004 and since it was clear from the beginning that this new way of supervision (for AP) would be more expensive than what was there before, the Government of AP and PATH prepared a study of the costs and the impact. This was published in the World Health Bulletin in 2008 and can be seen on James Cheyne ([[email protected]][email protected][/email]) and Post generated using Mail2Forum (
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