Mardi 4 Juillet 2017
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Dear colleagues,


"Quality Risk Management Mental Modelling: Examples of exposure in everyday life" with 15 chapters, 120 photographs, 89 references, countless tables and graphs, links and QR codes to 13 videos as well as 26 best quotes on risk management is now available in printable interactive PDF and interactive ePUB3 formats from 


FREE DOWNLOAD for both PDF and ePUB3 versions.


This book is prepared to help readers to build robust mental models on quality risk management using everyday life examples. Mental models are a set of tools that we use to think. They offer us frameworks that we can use to look at a problem or a process. Mental models help us to shape our behaviour, set an approach to doing specific tasks, as well as explain our own thought process about how the ‘real’ world works. Through mental models, we see the relationships between different steps of a process, causations, and consequences. This book suggests taking a look at some of our daily routines from a risk management perspective in order to better understand the process.


This work comes under a Creative Commons (CC) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) and is offered to the global charity that has been initiated by the Creative Commons with the purpose of widening the spectrum of open knowledge and free culture.


Of course, you will undeniably learn a lot by studying risk management publications related to your technical area and excel by practice. But in my experience, one good way to build mental models is to read outside the norm. When I read or listen to something new and different, I always think of how this new information could connect with information I already know, or to my technical expertise. With my involvement in QRM, I have developed a habit of wearing ‘risk spectacles’ wherever I go and in whatever I do. Looking through such spectacles on the things that we typically consider as outside our technical areas reveals a deeper understanding of the issues around the risk management. I often look for answers in unexpected places.


In this book, I invite you to wear my ‘risk spectacles’ at home, outside – on the way to your office, and at work. I hope you enjoy this book that is different from the classic risk management literature.


Kevin O’Donnell, Market Compliance Manager at Health Products Regulatory Authority, Ireland, welcomes the book as a development in the field of quality risk management that focuses on understanding the cognitive processes that relate to risk assessment:


“In this excellent book, Dr. Kartoglu recognises the difficulties and problems in risk assessing and managing complex processes such as pharmaceutical supply chain management. While the application of quality risk management principles to supply chain control has been the subject of much work in recent years, the focus Dr. Kartoglu gives in this work to understanding the cognitive processes that relate to risk assessment, and that relate to how hazards and risks are perceived, render this work an important new approach in this area. He teaches readers how to actually think about hazards, not only in terms of their relationship with harm and risk, but also in terms of how human behaviour and cognitive processes can influence one's perception of those hazards, and the risks they may present. This is a very welcome development in this field, and it has definite relevance to the application of quality risk management principles in efforts to secure the supply chain of vaccines and other important medicines.”


Hope you find it useful.


Happy downloads…


Cheers and all the best,



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