Jeudi 13 Novembre 2014
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Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to inform you that the 2nd People that Deliver Global Conference on HR in SCM, held in Denmark from the 27-31 October, 2014, was a great success. The 2nd PtD Global Conference had 160 participants from 20 countries representing the following constituencies: country governments, international agencies, academic institutions, implementing partners, non-governmental organizations, private companies. We would like to take this opportunity to share the press release by PtD Initiative and UNICEF Supply Division and the “Conference Statement & Call for Action” for the 2nd PtD Global Conference. Press release by PtD and UNICEF Supply Division: The Conference Statement & Call for Action: For more information about the People that Deliver Initiative, please visit our website at: or email your enquiry to: [email protected] . Regards, Sara A KHAN People that Deliver UNICEF Supply Division, Copenhagen, Denmark [email protected] | [email protected] | Ph. +45-45335860 | Skype: peoplethatdeliver |Oceanvej 10-12 | 2150 Nordhavn | Copenhagen, Denmark Follow us at or on Twitter @PplthatDeliver
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