Mardi 23 Avril 2013
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The LOGIVAC project, jointly implemented by the Agence de Médecine Préventive (AMP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) , has launched, in collaboration with the Regional Institute of Public Health (Institut Régional de Santé Publique, IRSP), the first training degree programme in health logistics in Francophone Africa. To mark this event, an official ceremony was held on March 26, 2013 at IRSP in Ouidah, Benin, the location of the face-to-face learning. Chaired by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Benin, the event brought together partners involved in the health sector in Benin and in the region. This training programme, which is one of the products of LOGIVAC, will contribute to the mission of professionalizing health logistics in sub-Saharan Africa in view of strengthening health system performance. Currently health systems in the region are hindered by poor infrastructure, inadequate basic services, and a lack of qualified personnel. In practice, doctors or nurses perform the work of supply chain managers, and, in general, this profession is not recognized by the state as a public function. The need to develop health systems with competent and adapted logistics services has been repeatedly emphasized by countries in the region as well as health development partners. In all, 24 students, including five women, from eight African countries are participating in the training program. They come from Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Madagascar, Niger, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad, and Togo, and are mainly from public health programs like the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), drug procurement agencies, and national reference laboratories. Facilitators include experts from IRSP, WHO, AMP, Institut Bioforce, ministries of health from countries in the region, and the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin—which provides a bachelor’s degree in health logistics to successful participants. The training curriculum was developed through a series of workshops with experts from different organizations. It is supported by the ministries of health of participating countries as well as by a consortium of regional and international partners (public and private). Course units cover all areas of health logistics: basics of health logistics; logistics planning; coordination and administration; logistics information systems; partnerships; supply chain management; management of essential health products; management of technical equipment; infrastructure management; and crisis management. The training is spread out over two semesters and includes 1,500 hours of work divided between theory-based lectures, seminars and fieldwork, simulation exercises, a professional internship, and personal work. The programme includes both face-to-face and distance learning. Training in English will be offered at a later stage, as well as short training courses. If you have any questions please contact [[email protected]]Benjamin Schreiber[/email] and [[email protected]]Philippe Jaillard[/email] or visit the LOGIVAC website
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