Jeudi 23 Juillet 2020
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JSI, with Gavi support, is hosting a second webinar series to build the supply chain capacity of EPI program and supply chain managers, this time focusing on building responsive immunization supply chains. To be responsive, supply chains need to evolve and adapt to change, whether for a new vaccine introduction or to improve performance. By participating in the series, you will have the chance to consider how supply chain design affects performance, how to prepare for new vaccine introduction and how to manage your cold chain equipment inventory, learning from experts in the field and experiences of many countries around the world. Please find attached a description of the webinar series and the objectives for each webinar. Attendees who participate in all four webinars, either live or buy viewing the recorded webinar, will receive a certificate of participation.

The first webinar in the series is Part 1 of Immunization Supply Chain Design. It will be held on 25 August at 13:00 GMT. This webinar focuses on key supply chain design considerations. Part 2 of Immunization Supply Chain Design, which will follow in September deals specifically with immunization supply chain optimization and will feature Zambia's experience with the optimization process.

To register for the first webinar, please go to this link.

I hope you will be able to attend and look forward to our on-going discussions on strengthening immunization supply chains.  

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