lundi 13 novembre 2017
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CDC published Progress in Childhood Vaccination Data in Immunization Information Systems—United States, 2013–2016 ( in the November 3 issue of MMWR (pages 1178–81). A summary made available to the press is reprinted below.

IISs [Immunization Information Systems] are computerized, population-based systems that consolidate vaccination data from providers for clinical and public health use. Data from 2013–2016 were analyzed to assess progress made in four priority areas: 1) pediatric data completeness, 2) bidirectional data exchange with electronic health records, 3) pediatric clinical decision support for immunizations, and 4) ability to generate jurisdictional and provider-level vaccination coverage estimates. Progress was noted since 2013, but continued effort is needed to implement these functionalities among all IISs. Success in these priority areas bolsters public health practitioners’ ability to attain high childhood vaccination coverage and prepares IISs to develop more advanced functionalities. Success also supports the achievement of federal immunization objectives, including using IISs as supplemental sampling frames for vaccination coverage surveys.

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