Successful introduction of the HPV vaccine depends on the capacity of healthcare workers and community leaders to deliver the vaccine effectively.

This page lists training modules and resources to support healthcare providers and community leaders in implementing HPV vaccination programs. The types of documents you may find in the table are:

  • Healthcare Provider Training: Training modules for clinicians and administrators
  • Community Training: Resources for educating communities

Fiche Cancer HPV EnseignantMinistry of Health, Senegal2018GuidanceFrançais
Guide Formation vaccin HPVMinistry of Health, Senegal2018ToolFrançais
HPV Guide EnseignantMinistry of Health, SenegalToolFrançais
HPV Health Worker Training AgendaMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018TrainingAnglais
HPV vaccination training Facilitators guide, EthiopiaMinistry of Health, Ethiopia2018ToolAnglais
HPV Vaccine Introduction Training SlidesMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018TrainingAnglais
HPV vaccine training videoImmunization Academy2018TrainingAnglais
Pre Post Test Formation HPVMinistry of Health, SenegalToolFrançais
Tanzania HPV training agendaMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018TrainingAnglais