Amélioration de la couverture et de l'équité de la vaccination - Ressources techniques
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Ressource | UNICEF 2YL Costing Tool |
Objectif | Will help you estimate the total, annual costs of implementing a 2YL healthy child visit in a country. |
Contenu | This tool is part of the guidance materials developed by WHO and UNICEF in order to establish and strengthen immunization in the second year of life (2YL). The tool has various sheets such as basic data sheet, intervention choices, demographics, vaccine parameters and vaccine prices. As well as sheets relating to nutrition, malaria, staff time, training and communication. -Basic data: country information, administrative structure of the health sector, vaccines included in the first year of life schedule, parameter assumptions. -Intervention choices include first dose vaccines (measles, MenA, seasonal influenza, JE, typhoid) as well as place to document other vaccines or second dose, booster dose or additional dose vaccines, catch up of missed under-one year doses, as well as nutrition interventions and malaria interventions. -Demographics: base year population data needs to be included and the tool will forecast for the next 5 years. -Vaccine parameters and vaccine prices include first year of life reported coverage, 2YL predicted coverage, vaccine wastage, vaccine and syringe prices, freight and handling charges. |
Utilisation | Requires user input. While the tool has some features allowing for automatic calculations the user is required to input data. |
Contraintes/Limitations | Since the tool requiers user input the calculations the quality of the calculations will depend on the quality of the data included as well as the assumptions made. |
Exemples de critères que cette ressource pourrait traiter | Can be used to estimate the number of children reached, the 2YL cost estimate, and savings from reduced vaccine wastage, as well as costs per child reached. |
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Lien d'accès à la ressource | /fr/ressources/outil/unicef-2yl-costing-tool |