Ensuring Quality Health for EVERYONE

96 Ensuring Quality Health for EVERYONE !--


VillageReach has a vision for a world where each person has the health care needed to thrive.
Since 2000 we have been working with partners in sub-Saharan Africa to solve health care delivery challenges. Over the next three years, our vision, promise and purpose is to accelerate the shift to people-centered health systems that are flexible and responsive to people’s needs.
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More than a single story
Emily Bancroft, VillageReach President shares three ways to rewrite the single story in global development to ensure diverse perspectives are heard and shared.

Why scale matters
Hope empathy and flexibility - these are words you might not expect to use when describing scale of a social program to government ownership. Upile Kachila, VillageReach Program Manager shares her experience.

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Sustainable health financing
Parliamentarians in the Equateur province of Democratic Republic of Congo voted in the first ever law on sustainable health financing to ensure the region has the resources to address childhood disease and recurrent outbreaks.

From 6 hours to 20 minutes
VillageReach worked with the government and Swoop Aero to deliver life-saving vaccines and medicines to a remote village in the Democratic Republic of Congo in record time, just 20 minutes.

Uberizing life-saving lab samples
Reducing days between diagnosis and treatment is critical to ensuring people get the life-saving treatments they need. SampleTaxi in Mozambique uberizes the transport of laboratory samples in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Logistimo.

Equipping community health workers 
As part of Liberia's National Community Health Assistant program, VillageReach and Last Mile Health are working together to strengthen supply chains for community health workers who bring critical health care services to the hardest-to-reach communities. (PDF)



Join our Team
We have offices in in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique and the United States and a growing network worldwide. Take a look at our open positions.
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