Progress and Disruptions: How 2021 Taught Us About Vaccines and Resiliency


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Vaccine Access Digest

December 2021
Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health

Director's Message: Reflecting on 2021 and the Challenges Overcome

Despite another challenging year and more obstacles due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has shown tremendous resilience. People at all levels have worked in unparalleled cooperation in trying to stop the virus's spread, and ultimately protect our loved ones. I have a profound appreciation for the work dedicated to developing the COVID vaccines and distributing them to billions worldwide. Such a magnificent achievement would not have been possible without the vaccine scientists, researchers, communicators, community workers, and the many others involved. Thank you.

Meanwhile, you worked to tally the cost of the pandemic on routine vaccine systems, expand access to childhood vaccines such as rotavirus, and celebrate a new vaccine approved for malaria. Read on for highlights from 2021.

 - Dr. William Moss, Executive Director at IVAC

Highlights from 2021


VIEW-hub Maps COVID-19 Vaccine Rollouts

IVAC's VIEW-hub has launched COVID-19 vaccine introduction maps and a vaccine product characteristics page. New features include: Visualize progress toward the global rollout of COVID-19 vaccine and explore data on VIEW-hub.

Maternal and Child Health Center India Supports COVID-19 Response and Relief Activities

The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating consequences on families and societies in India. The Maternal and Child Health Center India works alongside the Johns Hopkins India Institute, which formed a COVID-19 Task Force to raise awareness, respond to current needs, and coordinate activities, services, and opportunities to address the COVID-19 pandemic in India.

Please consider supporting the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Response & Relief—give here.

Learn more about the Maternal and Child Health Center India.

Johns Hopkins Launches VIRA, the Vax Chatbot

VIRA, the Vax Chatbot is designed to answer to common COVID-19 vaccine questions. Powered by IBM, VIRA is adaptive, learning by listening to your questions and feedback to help scientists respond to emerging questions.

VIRA can help health workers or anyone who seeks help fielding questions from family and friends about the COVID-19 vaccines. Read more about Vira on the JHU Coronavirus Resource Center.

World Pneumonia Day 2021 Highlights


Watch: "Niruta: As Long As She Lives"

Niruta is a Nepali pneumonia survivor passionate about making sure other children and their families do not have to experience the trauma of severe pneumonia. In 2018 at the age of 12, Niruta became ill and was hospitalized for nearly two weeks in the intensive care unit. Because of her hospitalization, her family experienced extreme financial and emotional difficulties that reverberated throughout their lives. In addition to sharing her story and advocating for better pneumonia prevention and treatment, Niruta hopes to continue her education and one day become a doctor or nurse.
Niruta: As Long As She Lives

2021 Pneumonia and Diarrhea Progress Report Released

imageFor over 10 years, IVAC’s annual Pneumonia & Diarrhea Progress Report has tracked progress against two of the leading killers of children worldwide: pneumonia and diarrhea. This year’s report illuminates the emerging direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on achieving targets for progress in child health. Although the pandemic threatened access to immunization across the globe, several countries made substantial progress through vaccine introductions.

View the report here.


New Results from Landmark PERCH Study on Childhood Pneumonia

The Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) study evaluated the etiology of severe and very severe pneumonia in children hospitalized in seven African and Asian countries. Published in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, this latest set of papers focuses on site-specific results and impart important lessons that can inform disease control policies.

Full list of publications.

View global results from PERCH in an interactive microsite.

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Watch Webinars from 2021

Hear Dr. Peter Hotez discuss topics ranging from vaccine diplomacy, the antivaccine movement, safety surveillance, and a new COVID vaccine
Watch any of the following recorded webinars:
  1. Social Media Interventions and Vaccine Hesitancy
  2. SARS-CoV-2 Variants and the Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S.
  3. Immunization Agenda 2030: Equitable Health Access for All
  4. Addressing Challenges in Vaccination in Fragile Contexts
  5. Vaccines, Primary Care, and Public Health. After COVID, What's Next?
  6. Preventing the Next Pandemic: Vaccine Diplomacy, Surveillance, and COVID Vaccines
  7. Behind the Numbers: Building Community Trust in Vaccination

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