Tuesday, 07 April 2015
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Learning by doing and working together with mutual professional respect and reciprocation takes the team rapidly towrds the goal.

Quote from National Health Policy 2015 Draft placed in public domain for CSF (comments/suggestion/feedback):

"India today possesses as never before, a sophisticated arsenal of interventions, technologies and knowledge required for providing health care to her people. Yet the gaps in health outcomes continue to widen. On the face of it, much of the ill health, disease, premature death, and suffering we see on such a large scale is needless, given the availability of effective and affordable interventions for prevention and treatment. “The reality is straightforward. The power of existing interventions is not matched by the power of health systems to deliver them to those in greatest need, in a comprehensive way, and on an adequate scale".

The private sector today provides nearly 80% of outpatient care and about 60% of inpatient care".

In the review meeting held yesterday (06 April 2015), the ANMs' team will provide as to how many children receive vaccine from the private sector in this month.

GOI has developed an expanded tool for RI monitoring - both session site and House to House to monitor the quality (operational aspects) and the quantity (coverage). This PHC (Sampaje) being in rural area, small % get vaccines from private sector inclding private medical college(s) and this will be quantified in this IW simulation.This idea can add one more + to the IgM+ approach.

For "immunizing the vaccinated" effective PPP(Private Public Partnership) by extending the monitoring to the private sector will help in minimizing the susceptible among vaccinated. A few doctors are using 'vaccine safe' in Karnataka. Hoping for interaction from the viewers.

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