Tuesday, 12 July 2022
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WHO in partnership with ECHO is happy to invite you to join a webinar session on "Best Practices on COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and Uptake". This is the 3rd session of the ‘Learning Collective Initiative’ in Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership (CoVDP) webinar series. 

In this session we will focus on COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence and Uptake, share highlights from the global event and case presentation from two countries to discuss their approaches for evidence based strategies to develop tailored strategies and strengthening service experience to promote vaccine demand. 

If you haven't registered yet: https://echo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqc-uopjoiHdOUcl4uNzIPxxpgoFwQMG4B 

We look forward to seeing you. 

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