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The WHO Department of Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) is pleased to announce the upcoming second webinar series on Why Gender Matters for Immunization: IA2030.  The Immunization Agenda 2030 e...


Dear all,  I am writing to ask for help in interpreting the attached template for the CCEOP Operational Deployment Plan V2.2. I am a VMS in Central Asia and got stuck while translating the template into Russian, namely: in the drop-down list in the column I ("Reason for deployment") on the "Re...
Dear immunization community, The WHO Regional Office for Africa and Syrian Arab Republic WHO Representative’s Office have the below critical positions open for recruitment and we need your help in identifying strong candidates.  We appreciate any efforts to spread the word so we can find the b...
Join the Boost Community and the Exemplars in Global Health (EGH) program for a live engagement on Tuesday, May 17 at 10:00 AM EDT/ 2:00 PM GMT / 3:00 PM WAT / 7:30 PM IST (check your local time). The Exemplars in Global Health program believes that the quickest path to success is to identify who h...
Dear colleagues,   TechNet-21 invites you to a webinar session: ‘Effective Vaccine Management (EVM): Why is progress so slow?’. There will be 2 sessions, one in EN and one in FR.  After presenting a summary of the results of the EVM evaluations conducted between 2009 and 2019, and n...
A new COVID-19 Maternal Immunization Resource Library hosted by PATH is now available as a one-stop information hub linking to global and country-specific research, guidance, tools, publications, and other resources related to COVID-19 vaccines and pregnancy and/or breastfeeding. The tool is desig...
Dear colleagues, What are the most important topics in immunization? What immunization subjects interest you most? Please let us know! The TechNet-21 team is planning new webinars for 2022, and we need your feedback to provide you with the most relevant content. Just answer the questions below, so ...
Dear Colleagues, On 12 and 13 October 2022, People that Deliver (PtD), alongside the International Association of Public Health Logisticians (IAPHL), Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Pharmaceutical Systems Africa and SAPICS – and with the support of the Global Fund – will host the ...
Hi Everyone, With facilitation by the USAID MTaPS Program, the Joint Learning Network (JLN) is accepting applications for a Virtual Learning Exchange on Managing Conflicts of Interest in National Pharmaceutical Systems. This learning exchange will bring together a group of frontline practition...
Opportunité unique pour les personnel de vaccination national et sous-national Date limite d'inscription : vendredi 6 mai Depuis le début de la pandémie de COVID-19, des services de santé essentiels sont perturbés dans les pays de toutes les régions et de tous les niveaux de revenus. La situation ...
In November 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) published guiding principles on immunization activities during the COVID-19 pandemic to mitigate some of these disruptions. Those guiding principles focused on the complexity of managing immunization programs in the context of severe disruptions ...
Dear Colleagues and Partners, Each April, World Immunization Week (WIW) brings together people from around the world to highlight the importance of vaccines and how they protect people of all ages against many diseases, giving us the opportunity to pursue a life well-lived. This year’s campaign com...
Would you like to know more about using DHIS2 for disease surveillance, early warning and outbreak detection? We invite you to join us for a high-level introduction to Disease Surveillance organized by the University of Oslo which will take place on 28 April (in French) and 4 May (in English). This ...
NEW from Bright Spots: The Twenty-Year Road to Ending Cervical Cancer in China Hear from Professor & Director of Center for Global Health, You-lin Qiao, MD, PhD, and his team on their journey to launch an HPV vaccine campaign targeting adolescent girls in Ordos City, China. Learn how the succ...
Dear colleagues,  WHO, UNICEF, US CDC, and Gavi co-host an online training on the promotion of vaccine demand to maintain and restore routine immunization and promote COVID-19 vaccination by leveraging social data, behavioral insights, infodemic management, service experience and dig...
Empowering Community Voices to Promote Vaccine Confidence through Social Media Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at 8:00 AM EST | 12:00 PM GMT | 3:00 PM EAT | 5:00 AM PDT (Find your local time) On behalf of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Bay Area Global Health Alliance and the Alliance for Advancing He...
Dear all, I hope that this email finds you well. We share with this call for contributions to prepare a collective work paper entitled "Contribution of health logistics training schools to improving the supply chain of vaccines, other health products and humanitarian logistics in Africa". ...
Good day I am a logistician by training with lots of field experience in cold chain but not a biomedical engineer or technician. We are working on developing a simple mobile app for health care facilities (not for district stores and higher level) for managning cold chain equipment. I am looking f...
Contenu : Ce jeu de diapositives résume les derniers facteurs à prendre en considération et recommandations de l’OMS quant au choix des produits vaccinaux contre la COVID-19 avec la liste d’utilisation d’urgence (EUL) de l’OMS (la plupart de ceux-ci étant actuellement disponibles via le mé...
Stories of Resourcefulness, Adaptability & Resilience View Stories In an ongoing effort to shine a light on voices of innovation...
Chères et chers collègues,  L'OMS vous invite à répondre à une enquête rapide pour comprendre quels formats d'apprentissage en ligne fonctionnent le mieux pour le personnel travaillant au niveau des pays. Cette enquête aidera l'OMS et ses partenaires à aligner leurs futures offres sur les beso...
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