
command vcqi_adopath_check is unrecognized
Resolved Locked Unanswered
Hi everyone

Im trying to run VCQI for the first time, but Im having difficulties.
The "District 20" demo runs normally, but when I try to use it on my database, I get a "command vcqi_adopath_check is unrecognized" message on STATA. Does anyone here know how to address this issue?

thank you



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  1. 6 months ago
Accepted Answer
Hi Rui,

I'm glad you are giving it a try. I can help. Please e-mail me at [email protected].

Send me the output from this Stata command:


and the output from this command:

which svypd

and please send me, as an attachment, the CONTROL program you are trying to run.

  1. 6 months ago
Accepted Answer
In the do.file "Control" , please check if have correctly indicated where you have saved:
- your VCQI source code
-your own databases
-your output folder

the correct pathways should be put in the "control" do.file


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