
Checking vaccination status at entry to, or during school

Global strategic plans for the elimination of measles and rubella and maternal neonatal tetanus (MNTE) both call for strengthening of the role of schools in the delivery of routinely recommended vaccines and checking vaccination status at entry to, or during school, to achieve and sustain elimination of these vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs). Where enrollment is high, the school setting offers an opportunity to connect with children who may not have received all age-appropriate vaccines. Ensuring children in formal education or care settings are protected against all VPDs is important not only for the health of the child, their family and community, but also for a healthy care/school environment, which is a prerequisite for optimal learning.

Vaccination status checks can be used to implement laws or policies requiring proof of vaccination for entry into formal childcare or school, however these two things should not be confused: vaccination status checks can be implemented without such entry requirement


  • English

Publication year







  • Programme management

Topic references


Checking vaccination status at entry to, or during schoolWorld Health Organization (WHO)2019GuidanceEnglish
Considerations regarding consent in vaccinating children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years oldWorld Health Organization (WHO)2014GuidanceEnglish
Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!): guidance to support country implementationWorld Health Organization (WHO)2017GuidanceEnglish
Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescents Health 2016-2030World Health Organization (WHO)2015GuidanceSpanish
School Vaccination Readiness Assessment ToolWorld Health Organization (WHO)2013GuidanceEnglish