
Polio laboratory manual, 4th edition

The document provides general information about the polio eradication initiative, the role of laboratories in surveillance for wild polioviruses, the structure and mechanisms for monitoring the performance of the WHO global polio laboratory of cell cultures, evaluating cell cultures for mycoplasma contamination and sensitivity for virus isolation. Protocols are provided for preparing and analyzing faecal samples for the presence of polioviruses. Serotyping poliovirus isolates in micro-neutralization assay is described as well as procedures for differentiating virus isolates as wild or vaccine like by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), probe hybridization and polymerase chaine reaction (PCR). Guidelines are provided for the investigation of possible viral cross contamination of cell culturesa; shipping of diagnostic samples and virus isolates; and laboratory data management


  • English

Publication year







  • Programme management


  • Polio


  • World Health Organisation (WHO)

Topic references


Classification and reporting of vaccine-derived polioviruses ((VDPV)GPEI - Global Polio Eradication Initiative 2016GuidanceEnglish
Containment Certification Scheme to support the WHO Global Action Plan for Poliovirus Containment (GAPIII-CCS)World Health Organization (WHO)1960RepositorySpanish
Fractional dose IPV decision-making summary guideWorld Health Organization (WHO)RepositoryFrench
Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) Tools, Protocols and GuidelinesWorld Health Organization (WHO)RepositoryEnglish
Guide to introducing IPV vaccine into national immunization programmesWorld Health Organization (WHO)2018RepositoryFrench
Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013-2018World Health Organization (WHO)2013GuidanceFrench
Polio laboratory manual, 4th editionWorld Health Organization (WHO)2004GuidanceEnglish
Polio post-certification strategyGPEI - Global Polio Eradication Initiative 2018GuidanceEnglish
Polio vaccines: WHO position paper – March, 2016World Health Organization (WHO)GuidanceArabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
SOP: Responding to a Poliovirus Outbreak or Event (Parts 1 and 2)GPEI - Global Polio Eradication Initiative RepositoryEnglish
Supplement 1 to the WHO Polio Laboratory Manual An alternative test algorithm for poliovirus isolation and characterizationWorld Health Organization (WHO)GuidanceEnglish
Supplement 2 to the WHO Polio Laboratory Manual Adaptation of newly received cells to local conditionsWorld Health Organization (WHO)GuidanceEnglish

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Added on: 2019-04-08 09:29:19

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