Jeudi 9 Mai 2013
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Current immunization coverage rates in the WHO European Region are insufficient to ensure herd immunity and stop the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases. In some countries, rates have now fallen well below the WHO-recommended threshold (95%). Across the Region, up to 1 million infants born each year do not receive all their scheduled vaccinations (2012 estimate). To address this situation, a new tool Guide to tailoring immunization programmes (TIP) has been launched. This guide helps national immunization programmes design targeted strategies to improve vaccination levels among babies and young children. It provides tools to identify susceptible populations, determine barriers to vaccination and implement evidence-based interventions. The guide, which focuses on the European region, provides step-by-step instructions on how to segment groups of parents/caregivers on the basis of their children’s vaccination status: fully and timely vaccinated, partially vaccinated or not vaccinated. This segmentation analysis helps to identify susceptible populations that national immunization programmes should target. Through evidence and models, users of the guide will be able to identify and understand what influences parental behaviour regarding vaccination, including how immunization programmes provide services. Further, it will help in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of tailored initiatives to maintain and increase vaccination coverage among targeted groups. It also includes a list of promising practices in immunization programming. After successful pilot-testing in Bulgaria in 2012, the guide is to be rolled out in several countries across the Region; it was launched as part of the activities to celebrate European Immunization Week 2013. Guide to tailoring immunization programmes (TIP)
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