Mercredi 27 Avril 2022
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Hi Everyone,

With facilitation by the USAID MTaPS Program, the Joint Learning Network (JLN) is accepting applications for a Virtual Learning Exchange on Managing Conflicts of Interest in National Pharmaceutical Systems. This learning exchange will bring together a group of frontline practitioners, international experts and country representatives to both exchange and improve their national strategies for conflicts of interest management through cross-country virtual engagements. 

Click here to find detailed information 

If you are interested in this opportunity apply here: 

Applications are due April 29, 2022. 

I am looking forward to facilitating this virtual learning exchange.

Kind regards, 

Andrew Brown PhD, BPharm, GCHE, Certificate IV Workplace Training
Senior Principal Technical Advisor - Governance & Capacity Development

Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Canberra
Program Delivery Group
Management Sciences for Health 
Direct: +61411137625
E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] 
Skype: andrew.brown.uc

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